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Kajiado County today held a WASH forum at Enchula Resort, bringing together water development stakeholders through the support of KWAHO, AMREF and Betterline Ltd to review WASH progress in the County and set goals for the next financial year. The forum, organized by the County Government of Kajiado,department of water services in partnerships with other stakeholders provided a platform to address critical issues impacting water sector .
During the workshop, CECM for Water, Environment, Natural Resources, and Climate Change, Mr. Michael Semera, reiterated the county’s commitment to investing Ksh 3.5 billion in the water sector by 2027. The investment aims to achieve 60% universal water supply coverage for Kajiado’s over one million residents, reducing the distance to the nearest water point from 5 km to 2 km.
Director Kasaine highlighted that Kajiado County’s water challenges are not due to scarcity but to issues of water integrity and governance. He noted a lack of capacity-building initiatives for technical staff to handle water-related challenges effectively. Kasaine urged stakeholders to prioritize proper water governance and adopt best practices to ensure sustainable management and equitable distribution of water resources.
The workshop also tasked participants with drafting a water master plan to align with the County Integrated Development Plan (2023–2027). This plan aims to address the current daily demand of 80,000 cubic meters, which far exceeds the current supply of 30,000 cubic meters.
Stakeholders agreed that addressing these governance issues, coupled with infrastructure development and enhanced technical training, will be pivotal in achieving the county’s long-term water goals.