- Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation
- Finance and Economic Planning
- Medical Services and Public Health
- Education, Vocational Training, Youth and Sports
- Lands, Physical planning, Urban development, Housing and Municipalities
- Roads, Public Works, Transport and Energy
- Trade, Investments and Enterprise Development
- Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Public Service, Administration, Social Services, Citizen Participation and Inspectorate Services
Kajiado County October 4, 2023
Tender Notice October 2023
The County Government of Kajiado invites sealed tenders from qualified and interested bidders for the following tenders.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain a complete set of tender documents from PPIP Portal: www.tenders.go.ke or IFMIS Supplier Portal:
https://supplier.treasury.go.ke or County Website www.kajiado.go.ke free of charge.
Qualification for Tendering (Mandatory)
The bidders are expected to include certified copy of each of the following: –
(a) Certified copy of Certificate of Registration/Incorporation;
(b) Certified copy of valid Registration Certificate with the National Construction Authority in the stated category (will be verified from NCA) for works;
(c) Certified copy of valid Registration Certificate with National Treasury for the disadvantage group;
(d) Copy of Valid Tax Compliance Certificate (will be verified on the KRA TCC Checker);
(e) Certified copy of recent CR12 form -(12 months) from Registrar of Companies;
(f) Bidders shall serialize all pages for each tender document submitted; failure to which the bidder shall be disqualified; and
(g) Bidders shall scan as one document and submit the tender document in PDF format through IFMIS Supplier Portal
Bidders with history of non-performance e.g. failure to complete the projects or deliver goods and services within the contract period, termination of contract or having been issued with a notice of termination are ineligible to bid.
Certification of documents shall be original and executed by a Commissioner of Oaths
All interested bidders are required to continually check County Government Website www.kajiado.go.ke or PPIP Portal: www.tenders.go.ke or IFMIS
Supplier Portal: https://supplier.treasury.go.ke for any addenda or clarification that may arise before submission date.
Other Requirements are as specified in the respective tender documents.
The criteria of evaluation of bids
The criteria shall be as described in the tender documents.
Description of Works
The description and scope of works, goods and services is as described in the tender documents.
Prices quoted should include all taxes and must be expressed in Kenya Shillings and shall remain valid for a period of 150 days from the date of tender opening.
Completed tender documents must be submitted through the IFMIS Supplier Portal: https://supplier.treasury.go.ke as per the requirements contained in the bid document so as to be received on or before 18th October, 2023 at 11.00 am.
Submission of original bid security must be delivered at the office of the Director, Supply Chain Management Office. All bids must be submitted through the IFMIS Platform.
Note: Bidders who may experience challenges in accessing and uploading their tenders in the IFMIS Supplier Portal should contact the IFMIS Helpdesk (Tel: 0800721477) at The National Treasury or contact supply Chain Management office at the County Treasury
Site Visits
There shall be no organized pretender site visits. Bidders are however required to appraise themselves with the site conditions before bidding.
Director, Supply Chain Management