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The County Government of Kajiado through the Department of Education and Vocational training will beginning next term utilize the County Government Management System in disbursement of bursaries to schools in the County.
This follows the recent budget for the FY 2018/19 which availed Ksh 40M which will be available and ready for disbursement to needy students at the beginning of the third term of school.
Speaking in his office today, Seki Lenku, the CECM in charge of Education said the new bursary disbursement system has been designed in such a way that the applicants do not necessarily need to present their applications physically at their respective ward offices but rather make them online.
“Plans are at an advanced stage to kick start disbursement of bursaries through electronic funds transfers that will cut down on cases of bad cheques being issued to schools,” he said.
Once the selection committee completes their vetting process , the transfer of bursary funds will be done directly from the system to the specified schools bank accounts in a fool proof system that will ensure efficiency and transparent allocation of money to the beneficiaries.
Seki said such initiatives by his ministry coupled with the county sponsored ‘Uji program’ which heavily relies on provision of food rations to school going children in primary schools; currently in its second phase, will go a long way in ensuring high school enrollment and equal learning opportunities to learners in the county.
Training on the new management system has kicked off earnestly for staff in the department of education and cascade to Sub county and Ward administrators then to MCAs who are in the bursary and education committee in the coming weeks.