- Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation
- Finance and Economic Planning
- Medical Services and Public Health
- Education, Vocational Training, Youth and Sports
- Lands, Physical planning, Urban development, Housing and Municipalities
- Roads, Public Works, Transport and Energy
- Trade, Investments and Enterprise Development
- Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Public Service, Administration, Social Services, Citizen Participation and Inspectorate Services

Launch of the Loitokitok Integrated Conservation and Livelihood Program
The Loitokitok Integrated Conservation and Livelihood Program was officially launched in Entarara by Hon. Beatrice Askul Moe, the CS for EAC, ASALS, and Regional Development. This transformative program, implemented with the support of the County Government’s Department of Water, Natural Resources, and Climate Change, the Water Resources Authority, and Kajiado South Constituency Development Fund (CDF), aims to enhance value addition, technology transfer, and market linkages. It aligns with the Governor’s vision of modulated pastoralism, enabling communities to fully benefit from end-to-end value chains while fostering sustainable livelihoods and delivering impactful conservation results.
The launch marked a major milestone in supporting local women’s groups and promoting economic empowerment. Sixteen women groups received high-yielding, resilient dairy and beef livestock to enhance their livestock farming activities. Additionally, ten women groups from Amboseli National Park were supplied with beads and beading accessories to expand their artisan enterprises. Fully kitted catering and eco-tourism support packages were handed over to the Loitokitok Forest Association to boost eco-tourism and sustainable development initiatives.
This impactful project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, and other key partners, emphasizing the importance of global collaboration in fostering local resilience and growth.
The event was attended by a range of dignitaries and stakeholders, including Hon. Kello Harsama, Principal Secretary for ASALS and Regional Development, Hon. Samuel Sakimpa, the Area Member of Parliament, Hon.Jackson Angaine, MCA for Rombo Ward, James Ngugi, Chief Officer for Environment, Natural Resources, and Climate Change, as well as representatives from NGOs and county government officers.
The program’s integration of value addition, market access, and technology transfer is expected to create economic opportunities, conserve the environment, and significantly enhance livelihoods in Loitokitok. This initiative underscores the potential of collaborative efforts to drive sustainable development and ensure long-term community benefits.
Coastal Development Organisation
Kerio Valley Development Authority
