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Kajiado County July 31, 2018
Oloitokitok Campus Principal Dr. Caleb Mutua led staff and students in welcoming the guests to the campus. KMTC Oloitokitok Campus today received a new bus to ease students transport to clinical areas.
The 51 seater bus is the second to be bought for the campus by the World Bank which sponsors the enrolled community nursing program in the campus and seven others.
While handing over the bus, Board Chairman Prof. Philip Kaloki assured the students that the management of the College would get additional classroom space and improve infrastructure at the Campus.
CEO Prof. Kiptoo urged the students to maintain high levels of discipline at all times and to become ambassadors of the College.
“This bus will make transport to your clinical areas easier enabling you to get the requisite practical experience to be able to serve Kenyans,” he added.
Oloitokitok Sub-county referral Hospital administrator Ms. Catherine lauded the students from the campus for an excellent job during their placement at the hospital and further commended them for being part of efforts to improve the face of the Hospital.
Kajiado County Director of Health Dr. Ezekiel Kapkoni represented the Health CEC during the event.
The team from KMTC that accompanied the Director and Chairman to the event comprised of Board Member Mr. Mithamo Muchiri, Corporation Secretary Dr. Miriam Muthoka and Intergovernmental Relations Manager Dr. Leah Bii.
Oloitokitok Campus Principal Dr. Caleb Mutua led staff and students in welcoming the guests to the campus.[/caption]