- Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation
- Finance and Economic Planning
- Medical Services and Public Health
- Education, Vocational Training, Youth and Sports
- Lands, Physical planning, Urban development, Housing and Municipalities
- Roads, Public Works, Transport and Energy
- Trade, Investments and Enterprise Development
- Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Public Service, Administration, Social Services, Citizen Participation and Inspectorate Services

Kajiado County Investment Authority Strategic Planning Workshop.
Kajiado County Investment Authority Strategic Planning Workshop. In attendance at the workshop; KCIA Secretariat, nominees from County department and the consulting firm PwC under Kenya Devolution Programme( Timiza Ugatuzi)
Agendas of the meeting included
Review Assessment Insights,
Developing Strategy for KCIA , Developing KCIA KPIs and Targets and Developing KCIA Strategy Map.
The role of the investment Authority is promoting and enhancing investments to enable and promote a thriving and dynamic attractive investment climate.