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Environmental and Social Screening exercise
The Climate Change Unit (CCU) of County Government of Kajiado along with a specialized Social and Environmental Safeguards Team, conducted an Environmental and Social Screening exercise for the solarization of boreholes ,pipeline extension projects as proposed by the ward climate change councils, as well as other prioritized projects in all the wards in Kajiado West Sub-County.
The Environmental and Social Safeguards team faced challenges accessing the project area due to the unclear route, as it is located in a forest, especially in Ngurumani Magadi. The team navigated a winding path through the conservancy to reach the area. Accessing the Sampu Spring was dangerous but despite these obstacles, the team successfully made their way through.
This initiative is part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring that our climate actions are both environmentally sustainable and socially equitable. The team utilized a comprehensive screening checklist to evaluate the potential environmental and social impacts of the proposed Climate Change Response Initiatives (CCRIs).