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Department of Environment ,NaturalResources& Climate Change in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, Kenya,UNDP Kenya,From People of Japan and Accelerated Clean Cooking Action project In Kenya (ACCA) launch the distribution of clean cookstoves in Kajiado.
The Launch was chaired by Edna Lenku, First Lady Kajiado County,accompanied by James Ngugi Chief officer Environment,Madam Grace Saitoti chief officer water services and Peter Ngao Chief officer Energy.
The use of stoves and less wood will make work easier for women since they will be saved from walking long distances in search of firewood and inhaling smoke which later result into respiratory diseases.Use of wood fuel and charcoal emits greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and reduce carbon sinks due to deforestation ,resulting to increased global warming.
The energy saving jikos will ensure reduction of greenhouse gases emissions released from the use of woodfuel and charcoal and increased community resilience to climate change impacts.
With support from our partners,the county have received 2000 jikos and it will be distributed across the 25 wards.
Thank you all our partners for your continued support UNDP KenyaMinistry of Energy & Embassy of Japan.