News Detail

Kajiado County March 3, 2023

Department of Health- Scorecard 2017-2022

With health, being a key function of the devolved function & with desire to ensure that Health service are accessible, affordable, quality and equitable and client centered health services to all residents of the county the government embarked on a strategies, namely:

  • Equipping of new & existing healthcare facilities
  • Upgrade and expansion of  healthcare facilities
  • Universal Healthcare program (Mbuzi moja Afya bora initiative)
  • Completion of stalled & ongoing projects
  • Preventive care – public health
  • Strengthen the governance structures within the sector areas
  • Strengthening of nutrition coordination at all levels
  • Upscale immunization coverage for all under one.

Milestone Achieved in summary

DEPARTMENT Project / Program Achievements To-date Completed, Ready for Commissioning  Operational Ongoing projects in over 80%
Medical health, Public health & Sanitation Objective: To improve access to healthcare services    
Outcome: Increased access to healthcare services    
Newly started Dispensaries & Healthcare centres           34 21 13
Upgrade & Equipping projects 49 38 11
New Wards & Maternity Wings 9 9.0  
UHC(Mbuzi Moja Initiative) Over 24,400 households beneficiaries  
Public Toilets 7    


Upgrade of Kajiado County Referral Hospital to Level 5 Status

The County Government has upgraded Kajiado Referral Hospital to a Level 5 Status Hospital. Kajiado County residents will now be able to access specialized treatment at lower costs since referrals to other facilities are likely to reduce. In addition, Four Sub-county Hospitals, namely, Ngong, Loitokitok, Kitengela & Ongata Rongai were also upgraded to level 4 status hence handling patients who would have been referred to Kajiado or neighboring counties.

Human Resources

The County has recruited and deployed health workers among them specialists, medical officers, clinical officers, nurses, radiologists, pharmaceutical technicians, medical lab technologists among others. Doctors have been posted to Sub County hospitals and so far, each of these hospitals has at least three doctors where previously there was one or none at all.

  Cadre 2017 2022
1 Special Medical Consultants 3 16
2 Medical Officers 21 40
3 Dentists 0 8
4 Clinical Officers 70 130
5 Nurse’s (BSN Specialists, KRCHN/KRN, KECNH) 437 629
6 Nutritionists 29 60
7 Laboratory officers 54 78
8 Public Health officers 113 125
9 Physiotherapists 8 13
10 Health Administrative officers 0 11
11 Health Records & Information Management officers 19 28
12 Medical Engineers 3 8
13 Morticians & Mortuary attendants 0 4
14 Community Health Assistants 50 103
15 Community Health Volunteers 800 1932

Equipping comparative analysis

The county government has been able to equip the County referral hospital and Sub County hospital by installing modern equipment including MRI, St-Scan, digital x-rays, kidney dialysis machines, theaters and Intensive Care Units as part of the transformational agenda under HE Governor Joseph Ole Lenku.

  Equipment’s/Special Clinics 2017 2022
1 Intensive Care Unit ( ICU ) None 10
2 High Dependency Unit ( HDU ) None 9
3 Renal Equipment & bed dialysis machines None 6
4 6 Slice Computerized Tomography (CT-Scan) None 1
5 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) None 1
6 Mechanical Ventilators None 10
7 Cardiac Monitors None 10
8 Image Intensifier None  
9 Patient Doppler machine None 11
10 CPAP machine None 24
11 Blood bank refrigerator None 2
12 Platelet Agitator None 2
13 Blood bank cooler boxes None 6
14 Portable ultra sound machine None 13
15 Baby incubators 15 25
16 Caesarian section sets 9 25
17 Phototherapy machine 10 30
18 obstetric/delivery beds(modern) 4 40
19 Operating tables 3 5
20 Anesthetic machines 3 5
21 Patient monitors 3 20
22 Emergency carts/trolleys 5 20
23 Patient beds with mattresses 500 1660


For the first time since independence, Mashuru, Ngong and Ongata Rongai Sub County hospitals have theatre facilities installed by the County and can offer comprehensive obstetric care.