- Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation
- Finance and Economic Planning
- Medical Services and Public Health
- Education, Vocational Training, Youth and Sports
- Lands, Physical planning, Urban development, Housing and Municipalities
- Roads, Public Works, Transport and Energy
- Trade, Investments and Enterprise Development
- Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Public Service, Administration, Social Services, Citizen Participation and Inspectorate Services

For years, poor infrastructure had prevented
Kajiado from unleashing its full economic
potential. The situation restricted access to
many rural areas, which remained cut off
from the rapidly growing urban centres. Inter-estate links in urban centres also lacked. In
fact, the county headquarters had earthen roads
in most estates.
Devolution has changed the face of Kajiado
urban centres. Several tarmac roads now dot
them. The operationalisation of Ngong, Kajiado
and Kitengela municipalities has accelerated
the tarmacking and grading of many roads, thus
breathing a new lease of life to our trading hubs.
Our partnership with the National Government
infrastructure agencies has enabled us to improve our road network as a catalyst to increased
business activities. Links between the remotest
villages are now enhanced, and it is taking much
shorter time to travel from one place to another.
A visit to our urban centres in 2023 has a stark
difference to what they were five years ago. The
only tarmac roads were the highways cutting
across the towns. We have so far tarmacked access roads and put cabros in towns such as Ongata Rongai, Ngong, Bul Bul, Kiserian, Kitengela,
Oloitokitok, and Isinya, and at the county headquarters. These tarmac roads have improved
access to shopping malls and markets, and have
made our towns better places for trade.
In line with the initiative to ensure there is
efficient, affordable and reliable infrastructure
for sustainable economic and social activities,
the County Government embarked on a robust
strategy of construction, modernisation, rehabilitation, and effective management of all infrastructure facilities within the county.
So far, we have opened up 1,900km of road,
graded and murramed 1,419km, and tarmacked
a further 30km, a substantial of them through
the municipalities.
Areas that were often cut off during rainy seasons now have bridges, with six being the most
impactful. Paai bridge, for example, connects and
opens up the horticultural belt of Mashuuru,
Emachini and Eselenkei in Kajiado East, Kajiado
Central and Kajiado South sub-counties respectively.
The County Government is partnering with the
Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) and other stakeholders to enhance the supply of power and ensure adequate
parking spaces to facilitate a 24 hour-economy.
Five years ago, Kajiado town and dozens of
others in the county were in total darkness at
night, and the few streetlights erected were in
complete disrepair. Through a market improvement programme targeting 20 trading centres,
the County Government has already installed
seven solar streetlights in five trading centres,
and a total of 97 high mast floodlights across the
five sub-counties.
Infrastructure milestones achieved (2013 –
as at 2023
Total Km of new roads opened 1,900km
Total Km Graded & Murramed 1,419Km
Total Km of road Tarmacked &
Cabros 18.1Km
Bus parks constructed & maintained 2
Municipality tarmac roads 11.6Km
Floodlights installed 97