- Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation
- Finance and Economic Planning
- Medical Services and Public Health
- Education, Vocational Training, Youth and Sports
- Lands, Physical planning, Urban development, Housing and Municipalities
- Roads, Public Works, Transport and Energy
- Trade, Investments and Enterprise Development
- Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Public Service, Administration, Social Services, Citizen Participation and Inspectorate Services

Revenue officers in Kajiado County are undergoing training to enhance their performance at a time the 2024/25 fiscal year is half way.
The training is being undertaken in partnership with the Office of the Deputy President-State Department for Devolution
Today, Kajiado Acting County Secretary,Dr. Leina Mpoke , Chief Officer Citizen Participation Joshua Mepukori together with the Assistant Director Devolution Affairs at the Ministry opened the capacity building initiative.
The revenue team which comprises all those in charge of all revenue streams was led by the Director General of Revenue, Ms Vera Moraa.
In his opening remarks, Dr Mpoke welcomed everyone and emphasized the importance of active participation to ensure we deliver on our task effectively to enhance accountability and transparency in these areas .
The Chief officer Joshua Mepukori said, “By the end of the training, we will have a frame work ,citizen participation dashboard that the citizens will be tracking development and will be able to raise their grievances or concerns online.
The areas of focus include:
Key Results Areas ( KRA 1 )
1. Revenue forecasting
2. Revenue enhancement and mapping for all 21 revenue streams
Key Results Areas (3 )
Training for all citizen participation officers in charge of sub-counties and wards on:
1. County public participation guidelines
2. County investment dashboard
3. Project management committee training
The Director of Citizen Participation, Anthony Saitabau covered several insightful topics, providing practical guidance and inspiration for how we can approach our work this year.
Also present during the capacity building training were Mca Olkeri Ward and Majority Whip in Kajiado County, Stephen Ngatho who is the chairperson of the sectoral committee on Public service, Citizen Participation, Inspectorate and Social Services and Keekonyokie MCA Amos Sholoi who is a member of the sectorial committee .