- Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation
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Kajiado Governor H.E. Joseph Ole Lenku sent a team of five chief Officers led by CO water and Irrigation Morris Kaaka and John Njoroge of the Governor Delivery unit and special programs, to inspect the flow of Noolturesh water following an outcry by residents of Olorika and its surroundings that the Noolturesh water was not reaching their homes.
Morris and Njoroge were joined by Jacob Sampeke( Medical Services), Douglas Konana( lands) Lekina Tutui( roads and public works)among other officials.
The team started by visiting the main source ( Noolturesh source )all the way to elangata Enkima to establish why the way water wasn’t reaching Olorika.
The team found out that activities of over irrigation upstream are diverting the water from the source to irrigated farms especially along Shurie area and Elengata Enkima. The water has totally been diverted denying the people downstream their share. The water to Sultan Hamud will also be rationed to ensure residents at the lower belt also get enough water for home use and their farms.
A decision was reached on site to adopt water rationing through usa generators to pump water other than illegal diversions.
A technical team led by water and irrigation officials,WARMA and the national administration will be closing all illegal diversions to afford all the people along the pipeline their fair share of the water.
The governor is committed to ensure that all residents get this elusive but precious commodity fairly and constantly.
The team later visited water projects in Rombo and the site of the boundary dispute between the Rombo group ranch and Taita Taveta where the lands CO Douglas konana and County surveyor Joshua Lemaikai under the instructions of the Governor promised to come back and demarcate the boundary to solve the existing dispute over grazing lands.