Blog Post

13 Aug
By: CGK 0


kajiado youths match towars MTTI yesterday

kajiado youths match towards M.T.T.I yesterday

The governor of Kajiado County Dr. David Nkedienye has pleaded the youth of Kajiado County to help his government improve education for the young pupils in primary and secondary schools in the rural areas of the county in order to increase academic performance of the county.
Most of the school in the rural parts of the county are performing poorly because the kids lack mentorship and motivation from the elder literate people in the society.
Speaking yesterday during the international youth day at Maasai technical training institute (M.T.T.I), the governor asked the youth of Kajiado County who are in colleges and universities and any other institution to help in the upbringing of the young generation because they are the future of this county.
“ All of you who are in the universities and colleges and any other institution need to give back to the community by advising your little brothers and sisters at the lower level on the importance of good performance because we want the whole community to improve and that can only happen through good academic performance” said the governor
The governor also added that the county support the effort of the youth and most of his workers are young people
“As a government we are trying on the employment of the youth as you know the former chairman of Kajiado youth alliance Tipape Naini is now in the county heading a top job and many others that shows I trust you people to do a good job “added the governor
The chairman of Kajiado youth alliance Jeremiah Malano praised the county government effort and support for the youth but insisted that there is still need for improvement
“The county government has really tried to help us get some tender allocations though may not be the 30 percent but at least they have tried” said Malano.
In terms of employment, the chairman added that the county need to improve on that
“The county has tried to employ some of us but as we know we can’t get employed all of us but we need to be empowered to do our own business.” Said Malano
The county government officials present are James Sankale, chief officer education, sports, culture and social services, MCAs .engineer Nkadayo was also present.
Among the other things discussed are internships, bursaries and scholarships, lands reforms and may others.

governor is welcomed to the youth day by the CO james sankale

The Governor is welcomed to the youth day by the youths  Chief Officer Mr. James Sankale