Speaking during the forum Nominated MCA Hon.Samson Tipape in charge of people living with disability
Kajiado County Referral Hospital held social accountability forum at the facility grounds together with the county residents to see their second card score. It was an opportunity for the residents of Kajiado to air out their sentiments towards health sector on the way they have been handling them.
During the event the residents aired out their complaints and compliments in equal proportion. A majority of speakers from the public acknowledged the improvement of services delivered in the hospital. However, some complaints were raised concerning poor attitude by the staff and language barrier especially by the indigenous members of Maa community.
Leading the forum, Nominated MCA Hon. Samson Tipape in charge of people living with disability assured residents that the county government inconjuction with the county assembly are working hard to improve the health sector, this can be testified by the highest percentage of t budget allocation to the ministry of health to obviate problems that have clouded several counties in the country.
“The ministry of health got the highest percentage of the budget allocation. It is because we want our hospitals to have enough drugs for all patients.” Said Tipape
Tipape the Champion of Polio in Kajiado County also voiced the residents to take immunization against polio.
Dr Rebecca Kilimo who was representing Dr Moses Ngugi medical Superintendent said that negotiations are ongoing to have NHIF personnel at the facility who will be addressing such cases in future. She further told the residents to acquire the NHIF cards since it will help them to reduce the cost of treatment.
Dr Ezekiel Kapkoni the county Health Director told the public that a new maternity wing is under construction and upon its completion it will reduce the congestion being experienced in maternity wards.
The health officials used the platform to share the facility success story and affirmed their commitment to provide the highest level of attainable healthcare that is evidence based, technology driven and client centered.
Other officials present in the meeting are sub county administrators Charity Saruni and Lose Matikoi.