Namanga Township primary begun a new journey after many years of been neglected from leaders in the county. This comes after a fund drive attended by many political leaders in the county led by the county chief boss Dr. David Nkedianye his deputy Hon. Paul Ntiati, Area MCA Hosea Toshi, Cs for lands Ali Letura, Cs for Health Gladys Marima among other county officials.
The fund drive was to help in repair of the school that has never been renovated since construction in 1939 something that many leaders condemned as ignorance from the leaders in power.
Elijah Koitalei the head teacher mentioned the population of the school is 1200 pupils as he outlined the challenges the school is experiencing. “We need title deed as a school, and our classrooms are full of portholes hence they need to be repaired.” In his sentiments Elijah added the school is experiencing electric shortage and urged leaders to come forward to help in installing the electricity. Feeding program was mentioned by the teacher claiming that a huge number of pupils in the school come from poor families hence they need support from the government in catering the program. Lauding the county government for employing three ECDE teachers in the school something that reduces the burden of parents.
Kajiado governor Dr. David Nkedianye in his speech promised 20 chairs to reduce the over -crowdness of pupils in classes and urged area MCA Toshi to consider the school in development since it has been ignored for a long time. Nkedianye assured the school that his government has promised all schools to be issued with title deeds to avoid lands grabbers. “As a government we are making sure that all schools are issued with title deeds to avoid land grabbers who have conned people for many years. I am warning all land grabbers that their days are numbered so they must stop their business.”
Mentioning the progress of the education in the county, the Governor said his government has built over 300 ECDE classes since he came in power. He also urged the crowd to avoid political differences and embrace unity among themselves and elect leaders and not be partisan.