Blog Post

13 Oct
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H.E the Governor in kiserian town during the launching of the public toilets

H.E the Governor in kiserian town during the official opening of public toilets

Kajiado County Governor Dr.David Nkedianye opened two ECDE classrooms at Olteyani primary school in keekonyokie ward, Kajiado west before he went ahead and opened a modern toilet in Kiserian town built by his administration.

Speaking to the crowd the governor called for unity from all stakeholders to join hands with the government to improve development in the county. He warned people to avoid being divided by political parties and focus on development matters. In his sentiments Nkedianye said parties are only conveyor belts to leadership position but the people have powers to elect who they want to lead them.

He further promised the school chairs to diminish the troop of pupils in one class. The Governor used the opportunity to enlighten the residents on education progress in the county. He stated that his government has already constructed over 300 ECDE classrooms and recruited over 600 caregivers to boost education sector in the county.

The residents of the locality called for help from the county government in issuing title deeds since they are living as squatters. These are people living in Ngong forest in the 400 yards.This is a boundary drawn during presidents Moi phase to separate wananchi from living near the Ngong forest.

In Kiserian town during the opening of the public toilets the governor promised training to boda-boda operators so as to curb accidents.

Joyce one of the resident said, “We are happy with the county government for the projects they are doing to us as a way of eradicating poverty in the community.”

Those present were Kajiado County Deputy Hon.Paul Ntiati, Executive Member of Education Hon. Nairowua, Cs for roads Hon Dickson Ntikoisa Area MCA George Sunkuyia and other county officials.

H.E the Governor in Olteyani primary school in keekonyokie ward, Kajiado west where he lauch ECDE classroms

H.E the Governor in Olteyani primary school in keekonyokie ward, Kajiado west where he officially opened ECDE classroms

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