Governor Nkedianye with Dr. Emanuel Manyasa at the launch of the the uwezo annual learning assessment report at Maasai cultural resort in Kajiado Central.
The Governor of Kajiado County Dr. David Nkedianye today launched the uwezo annual learning assessment report at Maasai cultural resort in Kajiado central to know the fate of education in the county.
Uwezo which has been accessing reports for over five years is now an initiative, a citizen movement based approach to accessing literacy and numeracy level of children from the age of 6-16 years across Kajiado County.
The survey process and findings aims to make the parents, students, local community and wananchi at large aware of the actual level of children capabilities in reading, writing and arithmetic which is used to improve the level of education across the county.
According to the report read by Dr. Emmanuel Manyasa the county manager of uwezo, Kajiado county is ranked 2nd nationally with 54% of literacy level better than the national average of 32%.
Kajiado County was top in Kiswahili reading where 6 out of 10 class 3 pupils were able to read a class 2 work. Kajiado north is the best performing district in the county where 2 out of 10 children in class one could do class work.
Speaking during the launch the Governor Dr. David Nkedianye said the report was good but it needed detailed explanation.
“The report was good but I want them to cover the five sub- counties of Kajiado, rural vs urban education level, private vs public schools performance and girls vs boys because that could have been a good sample.” Said the governor
The governor also said education need to be devolved because they are making hard for the county to employ ECD teacher.
“We want education to be devolved because we are getting hard time even building classrooms and employing teachers need approval from Nairobi which is taking a lot of time.”
KNUT executive secretary Samuel Sankale ole Tonkei said they disagree with the report.
“We disagree with the report because we were not even involve in the research or survey, we don’t even know who did the research and the criteria they use.” Said Tonkei
Another teacher Stephen Kipelian said the level of education in the report doesn’t reflect on the rural schools.
“In our schools in rural areas, there are pupils scoring 96 marks or a mean score of 120.its very bad and we need to improve the education sector and involve us in the report.
Kajiado county level of education is far above the national average and with the support of all stake holders and the county government education will improve in school that are not performing well.