H.E The Governor Dr David Nkedianye with his Deputy Hon Paul Ntiati and AFC Chairman Mr Franklin Bett when they officially opened the AFC branch in Oloitokitok town.
The Governor H.E Dr David Nkedianye is in kajiado south sub county for this entire week to commission a series of projects done by the county, he is accompanied by his deputy and other officers from the County among them Jeremiah Nairouwa the CECM in charge of Education.
In the Oloiborsoit Dispensary the County Government has set aside 7.5M to build it. On his inspection tour of the facility the Governor noted that the work has been well done by the contractor, promising the facility will soon be equipped and ready for use by the next financial year 2016/2017, the dispensary also shall be piped with water, septic tank, and placenta pit shall also be put up.
On Tuesday he commissioned the Sompet secondary school which costs about 3M in Kimana Ward. He also on the same day officially opened the AFC branch in Oloitokitok town which shall see many farmers join and get access to loan facilities for their farm products. Where he urged farmers to take insurance for their animal and animal products.
On Wednesday he commissioned the Matepes Primary school in Rombo which costs 2.5M, the Governor noted that it’s a needy school with a lot of pupils, he said his government shall set aside more resource to help put up an administration block for teachers to ensure the children have a good learning environment
he visited various roads and saw the their status and promised that soon he shall send a grader to do the job in order to address the issue of roads.