- Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation
- Finance and Economic Planning
- Medical Services and Public Health
- Education, Vocational Training, Youth and Sports
- Lands, Physical planning, Urban development, Housing and Municipalities
- Roads, Public Works, Transport and Energy
- Trade, Investments and Enterprise Development
- Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Public Service, Administration, Social Services, Citizen Participation and Inspectorate Services

By: Kajiado County
The ICT ministry seeks 10,000 youths for online work https://www.standardmedia.co. ke/business/article/ 2001239330/ict-ministry-seeks- 10-000-youths-for-online-work
They are actually recruiting currently for weekly trainings.Tell a friend to tell a friend: https://www.ajiradigital.go.ke . #OnlineWorkIsWork!..This is a fantastic Program.

By: Kajiado County

From( front left) Star Times TV official,CECM ICT,Gender and social services M.r Richard Parsitau,Communication director Mr.Moses Birisha,ICT manager Miss Rachael Keteko and on the right side H.E the deputy governor
Residents of Kajiado County can now enjoy affordable television programs after Star Times TV launched its signal in Saina area in Kajiado town.
The Star Times TV decoder offered 110 decoders to the residents which will help the viewers to continue enjoying the program they want. (more…)

By: Kajiado County
Kajiado county government will partner with UMEA from Sweden to equip the new library that is currently under construction in Kajiado town.
The library which is one of the flagship project in Kajiado central, upon completion it will contain a ground floor that will accommodate 320 people, first floor will contain 160 people, second floor 120 people and will also have break out terrace. (more…)


Kajiado county governor Dr.David Nkedienye spearhead a meeting held at cultural within Kajiado with safaricom officials and the ministry of ICT in upgrading network accessibility in Kajiado County.
Kajiado county governor Dr.David Nkedienye spearhead a meeting held at cultural within Kajiado together with safaricom officials and the ministry of ICT in upgrading network accessibility in Kajiado County. Briefing the press Nkedienye said the partners have already upgraded the system in Kajiado County from 2G to 3G.
The partners in the other hand promise that they are going to make sure that they have reliable network not only around Kajiado but in other places in this county.
The Governor also promised that they are going to save lives, increase business for people and create job with the improved network connectivity. Assuring that after every 3 months a major meeting will take place to look into the progress and what still is needed to be done.
Safaricom partners assured the county officials that they will have reliable network in the entire county. Speaking to press, Stephen Okeyo the regional sales and operation director promised to make the county more secure in terms of network connectivity, reliable network and high quality network all over the county. Regardless of the poor network coverage in the county, Okeyo said they are going to improve the coverage by 10% this year. This will help stimulate development in the County.
The partners also promised to partner with the county to be more efficient in revenue collection and also help people life’s like availing of clear water.
CECM ICT, Gender and social services Hon.Parsitau was present in the meeting and other county officials.
15 Apr
By: Kajiado County Admin

H.E The Governor ,CA Director General Francis Wangusi and the deputy governor in the forum dubbed KIKAO KIKUU where wananchi interacted with all the players in the ICT sector on various communocations issues affecting the county
14th April, 2016… CA In its quest to consolidate service providers’ intervention in closing the ICT gap, the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), has pitched camp in Kajiado County to host the forum aimed at offering consumer education in the county. Through the Forum, the Authority aimed at enlightening ICT consumers of their rights and responsibilities.
On its seventh edition of Kikao Kikuu- County ICT forum, Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) in partnership with the County Government of Kajiado held a one-day forum themed, ‘Connectivity Today and Beyond’. The forum provided a platform for the consumers to have open discourse with CA, government officials and various ICT service providers.
In a recent ICT Access Gaps Study released by CA, some areas in Kajiado County such as Mosiro, Magadi and Oloodokilan still have limited and no access to basic ICT services. In his address at the forum, Hon. Dr. David Ole Ndekianye said that his government welcomes the partnership with CA to ensure that Kajiado County gets access and connectivity to ICT services. “As the County Government, we are delighted to be working together with the Communications Authority of Kenya to ensure that all citizens gain access to ICT services and that technology is adequately deployed in order to ensure efficiency in our service delivery,” he said.
The County Ministry of ICT, Gender and Culture aims to deploy technology to the lowest levels so as to allow access to information that will improve quality of life in Kajiado County. It also purposes to establish mechanisms of hosting ICT trainings to empower the community with skills and technical know-how.
Tourism is the county’s strong suit with the presence of Amboseli national park that attracts both local and international tourists. Proximity to Tanzania also positions the County strategically for international trade. Other budding sectors in Kajiado include agriculture, manufacturing and mining.
Francis Wangusi, Director General, Communications Authority of Kenya, said that CA is focused on providing an effective platform for dialogue between consumers and service providers. “As a regulator, being guided by the principle of public participation, we aim to ensure that consumers access quality ICT services,” he said.
“It is in light of this and as part of our mandate that we have brought together the various industry players to address the prevailing ICT issues in Kajiado County. Our goal is to catalyze connectivity and access to ICT services to the residents of Kajiado County.” Wangusi remarked.
The Communications Authority of Kenya initiated ICT County Forums targeted at the 47 counties and dubbed “Kikao Kikuu”. The forums’ main objective is to create a platform for dialogue between the Authority, County Governments, service providers, consumer organizations, academic institutions and consumers of ICT. The County Governments are also encouraged to leverage on this platforms to showcase their own initiatives in ICT.

16 Jul
Kajiado County Government in cooperation with orange Telkom Kenya has unveiled the orange 3G network in a function held in orange offices Kajiado town.
The network is aimed at boosting communication in the county and to initiate free flow of information around the town
According to county ICT officer Edward lantei, the upgrading of the orange 3G network in the area will fasten communication and there will be continuous flow of information which was not there before
“ We are grateful to Telkom orange network for upgrading their 2G network to 3G which will make information flow fast “ said Edward.
He added that the area suffer a lot of network failures which has affected most county government activities.
Speaking during the launch of the orange 3G network in Kajiado town, orange territory sale manger George Bosire said that the 3G network is different from the 2G because it’s fast.
“The advantages of the 3G network are that it’s fast than the previous network 2G network and it will enhance availability of information all around the county and wananchi will be able to get access to information faster” said bosire
Kajiado town is just one of the few towns that will have the 3G network in the county after towns like Namanga and oloitokitok that already have 3G network.
The network is welcomed to the area given the suffering the residents and civil servants in the county undergo due to network failure. Areas around the hospitals and county offices will benefit from the 3G network.