Category: General News

15 Jul
By: CGK 0


Having considered the job losses and economic struggles being experienced by traders in the Bars and Restaurants sector, Governor Joseph Ole Lenku has announced a raft of changes that include waivers and increase in operational hours.

He has DIRECTED that;

(i) A 50 per cent waiver be effected of all the licenses payable to the Kajiado County Alcoholic Drinks Control by bars and restaurants for 2021/22 Financial Year

(ii) All the application fees payable to the County Alcoholic Drinks Control Board be suspended for the 2021/22 Financial Year.

(iii) Licences falling under the same department be harmonized and merged for ease of payment and administration.

(iv) The Kajiado County Alcoholic Drinks Control Act (2014), be amended to provide for board membership to include representatives of Bar and Restaurant Owners from each of the Sub Counties.

(V) Bars and Restaurants operate for two hours earlier within their respective working hours.

He said the move is meant to assist the business community in the Food and Entertainment Industry in their recovery process from the COVID 19 pandemic.

He added that it will also help them to retain their current staff and recall those who may have lost their jobs.

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04 Jun
By: CGK 0


Expansion of the road network and opening up of highly populous estates in Kajiado North forms one of the items in Governor Lenku’s administration’s Rapid Results Initiative (RRI) programme.

To respond to the need for easy access of our shopping centres, H.E the Governor today launched the tarmacking of three roads in Kajiado North.

In Ongata Rongai, we are tarmacking the Cleanshelf ~ AIC~Saitoti Hospital~Nakeel ~Primary School Road; In Oloolua Ward, we are tarmacking the Juanco~ Ole Polos road while in Kiserian town, we are tarmacking the ring road around the new market which is under construction.

During the tour H.E the Governor assured Kajiado North residents that his list of priorities as promised is being addressed and soon the fruits of his commitment to change the landscape of this Sub County will be there for all to see.

Kiserian Market will soon be completed and host about 1,500 traders. H.E the Governor also launched the construction of a tarmac road around the market to make trading activities easier and attractive to motorists.

The market will be ready for occupation by August this year.

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26 Mar
By: CGK 0


We are urging all members of the public and people of our beloved County to follow the newly issued guidelines by H.E. The President . Let us all work together to stop the spread of COVID 19. We realise that this third wave is to be taken very seriously. As we go through this lock-down, let us remember to check on one another.Remember to always put on your Mask. Help save a life . If you see someone without a Mask, please don’t hesitate to help out if you have an extra new Mask.

# COVID19 IsReal


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02 Apr
02 Apr
By: CGK 0



As you are all aware, our country continues to experience the impact of the Corona Virus Disease (COVID -19).

The County Government of Kajiado is cognizant of the negative economic impact of COVID 19. Many business enterprises are suffering huge losses while others have closed. Many workers continue to lose their livelihoods as the effects of the situation persist.

In this unfolding situation, food security of our people is grossly threatened.

To cushion our people from higher food prices and to enable the business community to avail food supplies in affordable prices, I DIRECT the County Department of Finance to WAIVE TAXES and levies for April-June, 2020, as follows;

▪️Daily market Cess fees on Agricultural produce.

▪️Transit Cess fees for all Agricultural produce.

▪️Slaughter house inspection fees.

▪️Monthly parking fees for Passenger Service Vehicles (PSVs).

🔷Following a DECLARATION by the Ministry of Health that the transmission of the Corona Virus Disease in Kenya is now Community driven and that it is being spread through close contact among people who have disregarded observance of social distance as a measure to contain the spread of the pandemic, I have given the following DIRECTIVE;

▪️That the County Directorate of Inspectorate Services ensures trading activities in the County are CONDUCTED within the recommended ONE METRE distance with a special focus on RETAIL MARKETS, CATTLE SALE YARDS, SUPERMARKETS, BUS PARKS and HEALTH FACILITIES.

▪️Business enterprises that deal with essential goods and services and are still operating MUST ensure that their customers observe the recommended SOCIAL DISTANCE when transacting.

▪️Administrative action will be taken against business enterprises that do not abide by the issued social distance guidelines.

The County Inspectorate officers are URGED to observe restraint when handling members of the public.

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27 Mar
By: CGK 0


As the country continues to feel the pain and pressure of the Corona Virus,the Governors  administration is not leaving anything to chance as it is working very closely with other health stakeholders to ensure we are prepared for any eventuality.
Towards this effort, H.E the Governor today opened the second COVID-19 Isolation Unit at Kitengela Sub County Hospital.

“I call for calm and patience of all Kajiado residents as we head towards a critical period of this pandemic. We all need to observe the guidelines of the curfew issued by the National Government beginning today at 7 PM,”said the Governor.

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13 Dec
By: CGK 0


Nominees to the County Public Service Board have been sworn in today marking the beginning of their six year term after the term of previous Board elapsed late last month.
The five new Members were sworn in by Chief Magistrate Susan Shitubi in the presence of the HE Joseph Lenku, his Deputy Martin Moshisho, The County Assembly Speaker Johnson Osoi, Senior County Officers, MCAs among others.
Speaking during the swearing in ceremony in Kajiado, Lenku lauded the working relationship between the County Assembly and Executive in delivering the Board adding that it was clear that the institutions are getting stronger by showing their commitment In upholding the rule of law and justice.
He said his rallying call for many years has been for the people of Kajiado County to live in peace with each other despite their ethnic differences.  He implored on the new Board  to exercise fairness in execution of their duties so that all residents regardless of tribe or clan affiliations are accommodated in matters to do with public service.
“ l call upon The Board through the Chairman to ensure that all residents feel at home and each clan is given fair consideration so that no one feels sidelined, discriminated or even favored,” Lenku advised.
His Deputy Martin Moshisho asked the Board Members to work tirelessly without favor towards realizing the elaborate vision set out by the Governor for the benefit of the people of Kajiado.
“ We can achieve a lot  through a shared vision. The board will be important in steering the County’s vision,” he said.
Speaker Johnson Osoi intimated that during the vetting exercise, the County Assembly scrutinized the character of the nominees and  questioned their commitment to the values enshrined in The Constitution of Kenya including those of Chapter Six on Leadership and Integrity. Most he said enthused their wish to work without prejudice.
Osoi implored upon the Board Members to rise above partisan politics and clanism and carry out their duties independently as mandated.
“ The Public Service can either bring down a government or make it vibrant; once you get it right, we will be right as a government,” he remarked.
His sentiments were echoed by County Assembly Majority Leader, Julius Moipaai who assured members of public of the competency of the nominees who he said had undergone thorough vetting by MCAs at The County Assembly.
“ We (County Assembly) commit to work with the Governor to ensure an efficient public service that will meet the needs of the people,”
he revealed.
The second County Public Service Board will take up its duties after the term of the previous one elapsed following six years of service to the people. Members of the Board include George Latema (Chairman) Justus Nkaru,Wilson Musenyi, Jackson Sempetter and Jacinta Waititu. They join another member ,Purity Sein, earlier nominated and Moses Semera (Secretary) whose term has not yet expired.
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28 Nov
By: CGK 0


On behalf of the County Government H.E the Governor thanks H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta for enabling the Kajiado County Community to raise Ksh 26 M to assist more than 4,300 households to enroll for the NHIF medical cover in the recent goat auction in Kajiado town.
In attendance was the CS in charge of Interior Dr Fred Matiang’i, CS Keriako Tobiko, Narok Governor Samuel Tunai and CAS Patrick Tutui, Rashid Aman MPs and leaders from both Kajiado and Narok Counties.

‘’We are determined to continue giving healthcare to our people a priority and we are glad they are responding very well to our Mbuzi Moja, Afya Bora Initiative.Thank you all for availing yourself to buy all our goats’’ said the Governor.


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11 Sep
By: CGK 0


The 2nd ASALs Conference was officially opened at The Amboseli National park yesterday by the CS Devolution and ASAL Hon. Eugene Wamalwa flanked by The host Governor Joseph Lenku, Governors Amason Kingi (Kilifi) Samuel Tunai (Narok) Moses Lenolkulal( Samburu), Mutahi  Kahiga ( Nyeri), National and County Leaders  among other notable dignitaries.
The conference which brings together all the 29 ASAL counties seeks to consider their common challenges as well as the opportunities , potentials and workable ways of addressing them. These stem out of the 1st ASAL conference held in Malindi, Kilifi County that set the stage for consideration of key areas of interest including minerals exploitation , mechanized irrigation for food security, livestock farming, agriculture,value addition, tourism and protection of cultural heritage.
During the plenary discussions it became apparent that ASAL counties had historically been considered low potential regions with minimal investment capabilities and poor infrastructure  too feeble to spur development. Participants dispelled this notion by noting that over the years ASALs have recorded a high potential for thriving industrialization and investment rivaling other robust regions of the country largely so with the gains brought by the devolved system of government and the National Government’s Big Four development agenda.
Low literacy levels and access to formal learning had for the longest time ailed ASAL regions but this had since changed as The Ministry of Education at both levels of government aggressively intervened and  sensitized the pastoral communities leading to increased enrollment and retention rates.
The participants discussed at length the impact of water as a resource in spurring growth and development in ASAL areas. Towards this end , the PS ASALs Michael Powon challenged each individual to undertake water conservation initiatives adding that through its machinery, the National Government can manage 60% water management levels; the rest can only work if Kenyans embrace water harvesting techniques like building pans, water towers,reservoirs and dams during the rainy seasons. He said this together with environmental conservation will ensure sustainable communities all year round.
Malnutrition in children was also singled out as a common challenge in most ASAL
Counties. It was reported that this had been addressed sufficiently through collaborative efforts between the Ministries of Health and Education in most Counties. The Uji feeding Program in Kajiado County was cited as an example of such intervention.
Some participants pointed out that Nyeri and Kiambu had been grouped as ASAL regions yet geographically they were not Arid or Semi Arid regions. In a quick rejoinder, it was made clear that the definition was based on a set consideration such as the economic capabilities and limitations of such regions a defined by KALRO. It also became apparent to the participants that the number of ASAL Counties had risen to 32 from the 29 during the 1st Conference in Malindi based on this revised definition.
A concern w
as raised during plenary that the definition for ASAL Counties generalized most areas yet each had specific and unique challenges. The participants were informed that this generalization was accurate in view that most of the Counties were grappling with similar challenges overall. Towards this realization the participants requested for a review of cross cutting National and County policies to ascertain how they can be harmonized to meet a common goal in resolving the challenges faced by the ASAL Counties.
The Deputy Governor Kajiado County, Martin Moshisho fronted to the participants the need to set specific targets and timelines within which ASALs can be tasked to address and key issues such as water scarcity , food security which seemed like persistent and common in most of the ASAL Counties. The participants proposed to have a steering committee guided by the Ministry of Devolution and ASALs to act as a watchdog on enforcement of resolutions agreed upon by the conferences.
The conference enters its second day today.
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02 Sep
By: CGK 0


The second Arid and Semi-Arid Lands conference will take place at the Kilima Safari Camp (Mada Hotels) in Amboseli National Park. 29 counties will be represented at the September 10-12 conference.

County Government continues to thank the Ministry of Devolution and ASALs for granting us this opportunity to host the ASALs Family.

It will be free entry at the Amboseli National Park from September 10th to 12th 2019 as the second Arid and Semi-Arid Lands conference kicks off.

The County Government of Kajiado through the Department of Gender, Social Services, Culture, Tourism and Wildlife also welcomes you to a colorful night to celebrate the Maasai Culture at Lemong’o Cultural Centre in Amboseli, on the night of 10th September, 2019.
Event starts 7:00pm till dawn. Come and experience the pomp, color, and unmatched beauty of the Maasai Culture.
There will be lots of traditional cuisine, maasai music and celebration you can’t afford to miss.
Miss it, Miss out!

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