Category: County Dev Projects

18 Nov
By: 0


New ECDE classrooms at Nalepo primary school in Ildamat ward Kajiado Central.

New ECDE classrooms at Nalepo primary school in Ildamat ward Kajiado Central.

Kajiado county Governor H.E Dr. David Nkedianye has opened two ECDE classrooms at Nalepo primary school in Ildamat ward Kajiado Central.
The school was started in 2002 and has 30 children with no TSC teacher.
The governor urged parents to bring their children to school in order to have education and avoid long distance traveling.” You need to utilize this classes we are building. Bring your children to these schools. We are tired of people saying we Maasai are way behind in education.”
The area MCA Hon. Joseph Mutunkei embarked the Governor as he voiced to parents not to take their children to private schools and leave ECDE classes empty for it will be a waste of resources. The MCA further noted that in development matters people must avoid political difference and embrace on development matters for the sake of the community and a better future.
Zipporah kosen a parent of the school thanked the county government for building such high quality classes.

H.E Dr.Nkedianye officially opening the ECDE classrooms

H.E Dr.Nkedianye officially opening the ECDE classrooms


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15 Nov
By: 0


The classroom that was recently opened at Imanyat primary school in Dalalekutuk ward.

The classroom that was recently opened at Imanyat primary school in Dalalekutuk ward.

Kajiado county government today opened a new ECDE class at Imanyat primary school in Dalalekutuk ward.
The school was started in 2002 by the former MP Joseph Nkaiserry and has an enrollment of 58 pupils and runs up to class five.
The county government built the ECDE to help improve education in the rural area.
Speaking during the official opening, Governor Nkedianye said his government is working hard to improve education in the whole county.
” we have built over 300 classes all over the county. We are doing this so that our county gets a better future with many doctors, lawyers, teachers etc”.

The governor later visited Olobelbel secondary and pelewa primary school and emphasized on the importance of education.

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13 Oct
By: 0


H.E the Governor in kiserian town during the launching of the public toilets

H.E the Governor in kiserian town during the official opening of public toilets

Kajiado County Governor Dr.David Nkedianye opened two ECDE classrooms at Olteyani primary school in keekonyokie ward, Kajiado west before he went ahead and opened a modern toilet in Kiserian town built by his administration.

Speaking to the crowd the governor called for unity from all stakeholders to join hands with the government to improve development in the county. He warned people to avoid being divided by political parties and focus on development matters. In his sentiments Nkedianye said parties are only conveyor belts to leadership position but the people have powers to elect who they want to lead them.

He further promised the school chairs to diminish the troop of pupils in one class. The Governor used the opportunity to enlighten the residents on education progress in the county. He stated that his government has already constructed over 300 ECDE classrooms and recruited over 600 caregivers to boost education sector in the county.

The residents of the locality called for help from the county government in issuing title deeds since they are living as squatters. These are people living in Ngong forest in the 400 yards.This is a boundary drawn during presidents Moi phase to separate wananchi from living near the Ngong forest.

In Kiserian town during the opening of the public toilets the governor promised training to boda-boda operators so as to curb accidents.

Joyce one of the resident said, “We are happy with the county government for the projects they are doing to us as a way of eradicating poverty in the community.”

Those present were Kajiado County Deputy Hon.Paul Ntiati, Executive Member of Education Hon. Nairowua, Cs for roads Hon Dickson Ntikoisa Area MCA George Sunkuyia and other county officials.

H.E the Governor in Olteyani primary school in keekonyokie ward, Kajiado west where he lauch ECDE classroms

H.E the Governor in Olteyani primary school in keekonyokie ward, Kajiado west where he officially opened ECDE classroms

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29 Sep
By: 0


commissioned ECDE ECDE Classes in Paranai and Imbuko primary schools

commissioned ECDE ECDE Classes in Paranai and Imbuko primary schools

Second day in Kajiado East, Kenyawa poka ward Dr.David Nkedianye commissioned ECDE Classes in Paranai and Imbuko primary schools that were built by his government . Accompanied with his deputy governor Hon.Paul Ntiati, area MCA Henry Kimiti and other county official’s they also visited ewang’an primary school where they constructed a fence, and finally commissioned a dormitory in Entaretoi high school.

During the official launching of classes, the residents of the area raised alarm on wildlife as a challenge that has affected their pupils on coming to school on the right time something that has led to poor performers in the schools around.

Supporting  the matter Nkedianye urged the Kenya wildlife service to compensate those families whom have lost their life’s through wildlife animals. He added that two years down the line a young man was killed and never compensated. The family is still crying up to date. Assuring the residents that his government is ready to partner with stakeholders to end perennial Human-Wildlife conflicts in the county.

The governor noted that the residents of Kajiado have suffered huge losses and others lost their lives to wild animals which stray from the parks in the region. He added that pupils are worried of going to school due Wild animals attacked. “We appeal to all the stakeholders to come on board and partner with us in order to curb human wildlife conflicts which are on the increase in our County. Our people are suffering as the wild animals are killing them and they are not getting any compensation,”

Speaking in the same occasion area MCA  emphasized the need for partners to come in aid of the families who have been terrorized by wild animals.

H.E the governor visited ewang'an primary school where  a fence was constructed

H.E the governor visited ewang’an primary school where a fence was constructed

H.E the governor officially opens the dormitory in Entaretoi high school.

H.E the governor officially opens the dormitory in Entaretoi high school.





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28 Sep
By: 0



H.E the governor officially opens a borehole in Irmao area in Kajiado East courtesy of the County Government

H.E the governor officially opens a borehole in Irmao area in Kajiado East courtesy of the County Government


Kajiado Governor Dr.David Nkedianye begins a tour of three days at Kajiado East Constituency to commission projects that his government has done. Among them are Oldirkish road, Noonkoben ECDE classes, Ilmao borehole and Nemasi ECDE classes. The governor will also visit Thomas Fish secondary school where the county has constructed a dormitory.
Nkedianye will use this platform to encourage students to work hard in their studies.
Urging parents and teachers that the school can become great once they unite their efforts together. He also challenged the students to forget the past and aim higher to improve their mean score. “You need to forget the past and move forward to change your life’s don’t think about the history of this school, it is all within your mean you can
make it happen.” Said Nkedianye
Irmao residents thanked the county government for launching the projects in the area that included opening of the borehole as one the challenges that has been affecting the residents for a long time.
Benchament Kishenua one the residents said the area has been affected with water scarcity but people will start to enjoy life since the borehole is open. “We have been walking for more than 20 kms in tough terrains to access water but now with new borehole life will now be easy. We thank our county government.”


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H.E the governor in one of the ECDE classes that he recently opened in Kajiado East courtesy of the  County Government

H.E the governor in one of the ECDE classes that he recently opened in Kajiado East courtesy of the County Government

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19 Jun
By: Kajiado County Admin 0


Olngarua primary school one of the ECDE blocks build by the County Government in Kajiado West Sub County.

Olngarua primary school, one of the ECDE blocks build by the County Government in Kajiado West Sub County.

The Governor for  the second day in kajiado west inspected various projects, accompanied by his Deputy Paul Ntiati , Executive Member of Education Hon. Nairowua, CECM for Roads Hon Ntikoisa, Area MCA Ole Ngusurr and other county officials.

Speaking during a meeting at Orngarua primary school where three ECDE classes were built by the county government  Dr. Nkedienye commended that the job is well done. These was before touring  Namunyak primary  school to commission two classes built by his government. Addressing a crowd  the governor calls for unity from all stakeholders to join hands with the government to improve development in the county. Warning people to avoid parties division and focus on development matters after officially opening  classes Dr. Nkedianye reiterated the need of building the ECDE classes so as to relieve both parents and pupils the burden of travelling several miles so as to quench their thirst for education.

“Education is the key to every county development and my government is working hard to improve the education sector. We are building good ECDE classes all over the county because we want our children to get the best foundation when they are still young so that they can become future leaders.” Said Nkedianye  Later the crowd moved to Ewuaso primary school for hospital inspection and two ECDE classes.

Dr. David Nkedianye has also warned contractors who don’t complete their projects that actions will be taken against them.

“All this contractors doing substandard jobs be warned. We will not accept people to misuse the taxpayer’s money doing shoddy works. The people of this county deserve to get the best from their money because they are sacrificing a lot while some people are doing projects poorly. We will not accept that.”

Speaking to a mass at Ewuaso primary the Governor was not impressed with work done and the residents were also grumpy about the same issue.

He ordered the contractors who were doing the job to go back and do a better job or else they will not be paid, also ordering  the county ministry in charge to follow up and ensure the job is done again properly.

Later the Governor closed the day at Kisharu where he opened an hospital  built by AMREF. He promised 50,000 for solar used. . The residents also lauded the support from the county government. Kisharu residents urged the County government to give them  an ambulance and provided water since they are experiencing water shortage as well as a maternity clinic.


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19 Jun
By: Kajiado County Admin 0


The Governor and his delegation inspects Ormaroroi borehole built by the County Government to solve water problems in the area.

The Governor and his delegation inspects Ormaroroi borehole built by the County Government to solve water problems in the area.

The Governor has surveyed a number of projects at Ormaroroi area, these include Ormaroroi borehole that used 6 million and upgrading of Ormaroroi road that has been impassable for a long time.

Dr. David Nkedianye, his deputy Paul Ntiati, CECM’s Jeramiah Nairowua,  Joshua Majakusi, Dickson Ntikoisa, area MCA Ole Ngusurr and other county government officials were all present.

Speaking during a meeting at Nasaru Primary school Dr. Nkedianye cautioned on cutting down trees as a way of destroying the beauty of the land. The county boss urged youth to avoid laziness and engage themselves on small businesses instead of depending only on county jobs. “You should look for small business to engage yourselves instead of waiting jobs only from the county.” Said Nkedianye

He also warned the residents on lands selling as the only inheritance to them. He further calls for all leaders to avoid any differences and join hands to better the community. warning the community on clannism as a way to lure down the development of community.

Following the complain of residents about doctors working at Saikeri dispensary not undertaking their duties, Governor assured them he will find out why the doctors who are not performing their duties.

H.E the Deputy Governor outlined a number of projects the county has done since it’s reign in power and referred it  as a commendable job that few can accomplish.

The local residents lauded the county government for the milestone achievement they have made in the area. Joshua one of the locals said since the inception of the county government they enjoyed devolution fruits.

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08 Apr
By: Kajiado County 0

Tender for insurance of Movable and Immovable Assets

The County Government of Kajiado invites sealed tenders from eligible candidates for the provision of Insurance Brokerage Services for Movable and Immovable Assets for a period of one year.
Interested bidders may obtain further information and inspect the Tender documents at the Procurement office during normal working hours
The tender document can be viewed and downloaded free of charge from the County Government Website at
Completed tender documents (original and Copy) are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelope clearly marked with the “Tender No.’ and the ‘Description of the tender’ and be addressed to:
CECM, Finance and Economic Planning
County Government of Kajiado
P.O. Box 11-01100
Kajiado, Kenya.
and be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the procurement office on or before, 20th April 2016 at 12.00 (Noon). EOI documents will be opened thereafter in the presence of the tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend at the Procurement Office


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31 Mar
By: CGK 0


The Governor and his Deputy enjoys a cup of tea when they arrived in Kajiado west sub county.

The Governor and his Deputy enjoys a cup of tea when they arrived at Kajiado west sub county.

The Governor is in Kajiado West sub county  for the entire week to commission a series of projects done by the county government. He is accompanied by his deputy Paul Ntiati and other officers from the county among them Jeremiah Nairowua CECM for education, Governor inspected Ilparakuo Dispensary before addressing its residents. the  County boss noted that the job is well done, urging the people around the area to use the hospital since it was built for them. After speaking to the doctor in charged he said, “The turn up of people is good.” the County boss promised to fence the school Later the Governor spoke to Magadi residents in the market place where the crowd assembled. Nkedianye urged the multitude to embrace unity and forget political variances. The Governor also responded to the residents, concerning roads issue saying he will consult the area MCA Hon.Parken to see the  way forward. Warning shapely on land selling the Governor told the residents they must stop selling land and do other business. “You must stop selling of land and look for other business to do.” Nkedianye said.

The county boss also told the residents about the ongoing registration of disable people in the county, as a way of knowing their number for tranquil provision.
Patrick Sayianka one of the residents applauded the job done by the county government saying since their reign in power a lot of change occurred in their locality. He added that their children are delight in attending school near their homes, mentioning ECDE built by the county in the area. “We are happy because  the county government has building ECDE classes, our children are going to school at a nearer distance.” Said Sayianka
Sayianka urged the county topmost to help them in curbing water shortage in the area since it is among the challenges facing the residents.


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17 Mar
By: CGK 0


H.E The Governor with his deputy  hon paul ntianti and AFC Chairman Mr Franklin Bett when they officially opened the AFC branch in Oloitokitok town

H.E The Governor Dr David Nkedianye with his Deputy Hon Paul Ntiati and AFC Chairman Mr Franklin Bett when they officially opened the AFC branch in Oloitokitok town.

The Governor H.E Dr David Nkedianye is in kajiado south sub county for this entire week to commission a series of projects done by the county, he is accompanied by his deputy and other officers from the County among them Jeremiah Nairouwa the CECM in charge of Education.

In the Oloiborsoit Dispensary the County Government has set aside 7.5M to build it. On his inspection tour of the facility the Governor noted that the work has been well done by the contractor, promising the facility will soon be equipped and ready for use by the next financial year 2016/2017, the dispensary also shall be piped with water, septic tank, and placenta pit shall also be put up.

On Tuesday he commissioned the Sompet secondary school which costs about 3M in Kimana Ward. He also on the same day officially opened the AFC branch in Oloitokitok town which shall see many farmers join and get access to loan facilities for their farm products. Where he urged farmers to take insurance for their animal and animal products.

On Wednesday he commissioned the Matepes Primary school in Rombo which costs 2.5M, the Governor noted that it’s a needy school with a lot of pupils, he said his government shall set aside more resource to help put up an administration block for teachers to ensure the children have a good learning environment

he visited various roads and saw the their status and promised that soon he shall send a grader to do the job in order to address the issue of roads.


H.E The Governor commissions Matepes primary school with his deputy

H.E The Governor commissions Matepes primary school with his deputy

The governor having alight moment with pupils after opening an ECD classroom matepes primary school

The governor having alight moment with pupils after opening an ECD classroom matepes primary school

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