Month: January 2024

17 Jan
By: Kajiado County Admin 0

KAJIADO CIDP 2023-2027


My great people of Kajiado County, it is my pleasure to
present to you the 2023-2027 County Integrated
Development Plan (CIDP), which is a successor of the
2018-2022 CIDP. This CIDP is the third to be prepared
under the devolved system of Government and the second
under my Administration. The CIDP is one of the plans that
shall guide, harmonize and facilitate development within
the county as set out in the County Government Act, 2012,
Section 107 (1).

My administration implemented various programmes and projects under the theme of
‘fostering social, economic and political development for sustainable growth’ during
the previous plan period, 2018-2022.
Towards this, the county registered key milestones that include but not limited to;
formulation and enactment of key laws and policies to provide a conducive operating
environment, planning and implementation of development programmes and projects,
infrastructural development and enhancement of service delivery. In realizing the
objectives of our programmes, we developed and positively worked with strategic
partnerships including the national government, development partners, local
stakeholders’ and our communities.
During the plan period 2023-2027, my administration targets to execute
programmes/projects aimed at achieving the county’s medium-term theme,
“Strengthening Economic Recovery for a Transformed and Sustainable Kajiado”. To
realize this, the county will implement four broad strategic priorities: Modulated
Pastoralism; Livable Towns; Mainstreaming Climate Change and Competitive

Education. Other key transformative programmes linked to the MTP IV and the Bottom-
Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) include: Healthcare and Institutional

Support with a focus on enhancing ICT, Public Finance Management; and Public
This County’ Development Blue Print is aligned to the Kenya Vision 2030, the BETA
and the fourth Medium Term Plan. It is further aligned to the international aspirations
including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Africa’s Agenda 2063; Paris
Agreement on Climate Change, 2015; East Africa Community Vision, 2050; Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, 2015-2030; and ICPD25 Kenya
Commitments. At the County level, the CIDP links to the County Spatial Plan 2020-
2030 to ensure that our investments are realizable within the available space.
The success of this Plan will be determined by how well we commit ourselves to ensure
effective and efficient service delivery provides. My administration is determined to
institutionalization of performance management to facilitate implementation of this
Plan. The county government intends to strengthen performance contracting,

A transformed and Sustainable Kajiado

monitoring and evaluation, and enhanced project management framework to ensure that
planned targets are achieved.
I therefore request all Kajiado County residents to commit themselves to the pursuit of
unity, and to play their part in the implementation of this plan. The County Government
is committed to coordinate all the county stakeholders, Development Partners, National
Government Ministries and Agencies as well as independent commissions, in the
implementation of this plan. I call upon all stakeholders to walk with us as we target to
realize the objectives of this plan to improve the livelihoods of the people of Kajiado
and Kenya at large.





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12 Jan
By: Kajiado County Admin 0

The Governor meets with Oloolaiser Water and Sewerage Company Board of Management

Today, I had a productive meeting with the Oloolaiser Water and Sewerage Company Board of Management in Gataka, Kajiado North Sub-County. We delved into the strides taken to improve water service delivery, focusing on the Nairobi Satellite Towns Water and Sanitation Development Programme (NST-WSPD), phase 1; LOT 2.

Here are the key takeaways:

1. We’re taking steps to ensure prompt payment for water services.

2. Our Mazingira Unit will enforce decisions on security and address issues like illegal water connections.

3. Prioritizing payment to KPLC to guarantee uninterrupted water supply.

4. Immediate survey of water areas to prevent encroachment.

5. Hard work and commitment are expected from all workers to serve our community effectively.

6. Collaboration between county departments and Oloolaiser Water and Sewerage Company to tackle water-related challenges.

7. A commitment from the county government to support major development projects, particularly the solarization of water sources.

After the meeting, I toured completed projects with Dr. Salau Rongei, Dr. Leina Mpoke, and Eng. Joe Kamau, witnessing accomplishments like the 5,000m cubic Northern Tunnel Collector Tank and the Kiserian Wells field with four boreholes.

Excited by the progress, our journey’s completion on March 29, 2024, is drawing near. Together, we’re making a difference!

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