- Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation
- Finance and Economic Planning
- Medical Services and Public Health
- Education, Vocational Training, Youth and Sports
- Lands, Physical planning, Urban development, Housing and Municipalities
- Roads, Public Works, Transport and Energy
- Trade, Investments and Enterprise Development
- Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Public Service, Administration, Social Services, Citizen Participation and Inspectorate Services

By: Kajiado County
Kajiado County Appropriations ACT -2023 Signed into Law
Our Development agenda for this year has started in earnest.
This morning , I signed into law the Kajiado County Appropriation Act (2023)
The Act has been subjected to ample public participation by the County Assembly.
To witness the signing of this important piece of legislation was the Speaker Hon Justus Ng’ussur and several Hon MCAs.
This will now enable implementation of this year’s budget to kick off immediately.

By: Kajiado County
Governor Joseph Ole Lenku kicked off the Human Resource Management Audit Exercise for all County staff today. Human resource audit (HRA) is responsible for identifying human resource problems that affect the human resource functions of an organization and improve organizational performance.
The launched exercise will help in verifying and evaluating the number of staff employed by the County Government, aligning their skill sets with the work requirements, and ultimately improving the overall service delivery to the people of Kajiado. Governor Lenku who led by example submitted all required documentation and became the first county employee to take part in the exercise.
The exercise is being conducted by the Institute of Human Resources Management (IHRM) through its consulting outfit the Human Resource Management Consultancy and Enterprise Services (HUREMCES). IHRM is a Statutory Professional Body established under the Human Resource Management Professionals (HRMP) Act No. 52 of 2012. The team of Sixty (60) adjunct Consultants is led by Catherine Mwangi, Wyclife Nyakina as lead Consultant and Mr. Amos Omollo the Chief Rapporteur.

By: Kajiado County
County Spatial Plan
Unplanned towns in Kajiado will soon be a thing of the past, in the wake of our new Spatial Plan by the County Government. The preparation of a County Spatial Plan is a requirement under the County Government Act, 2012 which requires that all County Governments in Kenya prepare and implement Geographic Information System (GIS) – based County Spatial Plans.
Today, I verified and signed the Plan which has been approved by the County Assembly. The 10-year Spatial Plan has been prepared as per Section 110 of the County Government’s Act (2012), Planning Standards and guidelines as provided for in the National Land Commission’s Exemplar Format.
The Spatial Plan offers a broad vision for sustainable development within the county.
Major natural resources have also been outlined for proper utilisation to benefit the county’s residents and help in growth of the County Government’s annual revenue returns.
I signed the Plan in the presence of Representatives of the County Assembly led by Deputy Clerk, Kipambi Ntele, Chief Whip Hon. Stephen Ngatho, the sectoral Chairman, Hon. Jonathan Koroine and senior officers of the Department of Lands.