Month: August 2021

27 Aug
By: CGK 0


The County Government of Kajiado through its department of Agriculture and its Partners who are a Government Agency was delighted to have flagged off nine motorcycles at the county demonstration farm in Kajiado town to ease agricultural extension services in various wards of Rombo,Entonet Lenkisim,Kimana,Matapato South and North,Ildamat,Ngong,Magadi and kekoonyokie.

Four of the motorcycles have been provided to the County Government Department of Agriculture by Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP)which is a government of Kenya project jointly supported by the World bank.

Another five of the motorcycles were provided by Kenya Agricultural market Information System(KAMIS) which is a set of integrated coordinated processes and tools to collect and deliver agricultural and livestock market information and services to help guide farmers,traders,processors, government agencies amongst others that may benefit from current market data.

At the same time the county also received tablets and weighing scales from KAMIS that shall be used in the county bigs markets of Loitokitok ,Ilbissil,Kajiado,Ngong,Kiserian and Kitengela .

Spearheading the occasion was the Deputy Governor Martin Moshisho who said this will go a long way in gathering and availing important data to farmers and traders.

The Deputy Governor noted that the move is a great step towards the realization of effective service delivery to our farmers and placing them at an advantageous positions for market price of commodities across the County, market opportunities, tracking data of the volumes of supplied commodities in various markets and traded volumes at border points.

The information will further help the County government in making legislation, regulations and policies with regard to Agricultural marketing activities.

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18 Aug
By: CGK 0


Kajiado County First Lady Edna Lenku in the company of H.E the Governor and other County First ladies have officially commissioned The Kajiado County Empower Cancer Clinic at The County Referral.

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14 Aug
By: CGK 0


The County Government of Kajiado wishes to inform you that we have enough vaccines in Kajiado County and the following are our vaccination sites:

Kajiado County Referral Hospital.

Oloitokitok Sub-county Hospital.

Kitengela Sub-county Hospital.

Ngong Sub-county Hospital.

Ongata Rongai Sub-county Hospital.

Magadi Company Hospital.

Namanga Health Center.

Ilbisil Health Center.

Mashuru Health Center.

Oltepesi Dispensary.

All vaccination sites are opened from 8am to 3pm. We are giving out 1st doses to all eligible groups and 2nd doses to those who received first dose previously.

FAQ: Which vaccine is being given?

We are giving out the AstraZeneca vaccine two doses, given 12 weeks apart.

FAQ: Vaccination time:

Vaccination will take place from 8a.m till 3pm

FAQ: Who can get the vaccine?

Front line health care providers to include both technical and non-technical health care providers, Critical services: Disciplined forces to include Military, Prison and police officers, Teaching and non-teaching staff from schools,

persons above 18 years with comorbidities (Diabetes, Hypertension, HIV/AIDS and all forms of cancers) and Religious leaders.

All above 58 years of age.

FAQ: How much is the vaccine?

The vaccine is free to everyone.

FAQ: Where can i get my vaccination certificate?

Register and login to to get the vaccination certificate and to know your next vaccination date.

You can Register and login in your details on before you get to the vaccination site.

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