Month: August 2020

05 Aug
By: CGK 0


As part of the continuous reforms at the Department of Lands, The Kajiado County Government has launched issuance of 12,657 new generation plot allotment letters. The brief ceremony at the County Headquarters was presided over by H.E. Joseph Ole Lenku in the presence of the county leadership and members of public. 

In his speech, Lenku said the new allotment letters will be issued to land owners in 26 towns after a rigorous validation process carried out by the Lands Department to ascertain legal ownership of parcels of land by the holders. He said the allotment letters have eight extra unique security features that make them impermeable to fraudulent activities from land cartels adding that this has given financial institutions the confidence to use them as collateral for credit services.

He said Kajiado continues being a model County for development in all fronts and was it not for the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, a big Lands conference was in the pipeline to showcase the advancements made since 2017. He was full of praise for all departments for their commitment in helping him realize his development track record as promised in his elections manifesto.

Speaking on matters health, Lenku urged members of the public to heed Ministry of Health Guidelines on social distancing, use of masks and basic hygiene including hand wash and use of sanitizers. He said the Corona Virus infects regardless of genders and age groups; not just the old and sickly as most people have been speculating. He said the County has played its part in mitigating the spread of the virus through setting up and equipping of isolation centres and called on individual responsibility from all residents

“I commend all front-line health workers because through their dedication we have seen a decrease in the number of COVID-19 cases in the County,”said Lenku.

Also present at the function was Speaker Johnson Osoi who expressed his satisfaction with the way the validation exercise was carried out and termed the issuance of the new allotment letters as remedy to historical flaws in issuance of title deeds that had been marred by controversies and underhand dealings that caused anxiety to most land buyers.He further implored upon the Governor to fast track efforts in physical planning of smaller towns in the County to set a good precedence for successive regimes. Osoi assured the support of the County Assembly in this endeavor.

His sentiments were echoed by Hon. Paul Matuyia who said the new allotment letters will rid off land cartels and while members of the public will benefit through access of credit facilities from financial lenders with the letters as security. He requested the Lands Department liaise with a view of finalizing on land disputes cases before tribunals on double allotments of land parcels. 

Lands CEC, Hamilton Parseina said the Kajiado Lands Registry had previously been ranked 3rd in the list of the most corrupt in the country but through stringent streamlining measures, the reforms have placed Kajiado as the model bench marking County in matters Lands.

It is expected that 50 towns will be targeted in the next phase of the Validation exercise until all land owners are authenticated and confirmed.

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04 Aug
By: CGK 0


It will now be mandatory for every private or commercial building to have water harvesting and storage facilities.

A new law that has come into force today will require those who intend to build houses or commercial buildings to prove their water harvesting and storage infrastructure being the County Government approves their building plans.

The law which has 90 days grace period meaning the regulations will start taking effect after three months or November 2020.

The already existing buildings will be given 18 months to COMPLY after which the County Government will take action against building owners without water harvesting Infrastructure.

The new law is the work of Nominated MCA Onesmus Ngogoyo whose Kajiado County Water Harvesting Bill was enacted into an ACT after it was signed by Governor Joseph Ole Lenku earlier today.

The law also provides for the County Government to assist public buildings such as schools and hospitals with upto 50 per cent of the cost required to put up the water harvesting facilities.

The Governor lauded Mr Ngogoyo’s Bill as one of the most transformative legislations since devolution came in.

“This is the first Private Members Bill am signing into law.It will really help us conserve the fresh rain water that goes to waste every rainy season,” said the Governor.

He challenged other MCAs to emulate Mr Ngogoyo and seek to leave a legacy by coming with laws that change residents’ lives for the better.

An elated Ngogoyo who witnessed the signing of the law together with Mosiro MCA Peter Tirishe said the law will enable Kajiado residents’ access clean water especially because it is a water scarce County.

“The law provides for the County Government to construct water pans, shallow wells and protect water sources to conserve more water for the dry seasons,” said Mr Ngogoyo.

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