Month: April 2020

27 Apr
By: CGK 0


Human traffic to and from Tanzanian continues to pose a challenge to efforts instituted by the County Government in combating the spread of the COVID-19. According to the County Department of Health, foreigners constitute a bulk of the quarantined cases at isolation facilities at the border entry points with screening done by health workers at Namanga indicating that 84% originated from Tanzania, 16% from Zambia while a notable number were from Kenya, Malawi and Namibia. Drivers and Traders who frequently cross the border have been identified as the highest risk groups. 10 Kenyans are currently being detained and quarantined at the border health facility awaiting testing and further determination.

Esther Somoire, Health CEC said so far 119 suspected cases have been reported in Kajiado with zero deaths recorded. This figure includes those at the border points. 104 patients have so far been tested in the County with 15 of them cleared after initial screening showed they did not exhibit any Corona related symptoms.

She maintained that Kajiado is still a high risk County due to its geographical proximity to the capital city Nairobi and as an international gateway through Tanzania to other countries adding that her Department together with the County Security Team has already instituted stringent measures to limit cross border movement including monitoring adherence to social distancing norms and use of personal protective, equipment, PPE specifically face masks. These measures will include activation of door to door screenings of suspected COVID-19 cases and mandatory quarantine for those flouting curfew directives. Plans are also underway to close down Shompole Market and others within the County deemed as risk zones for community transmission.

She advised members of the public to adhere to basic sanitation norms of washing hands with soap, or use of hand sanitizer and social distancing as a way of breaking the transmission gap in the community.

Meanwhile, the third Corona Virus patient from Ngong, Matasia continues to receive medical care at the Kenyatta University Hospital. 32 persons that she had come into contact with are still quarantined in an Isolation center in Ngong. Thirteen of them are awaiting test results.

The County leadership led by H.E. Joseph Lenku has also asked all residents to observe calls for social distancing as a measure in breaking the gap in the spread of the pandemic. This is while the County government steps up distribution of personal protective equipment, PPEs hand sanitizers and other COVID-19 response commodities.

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21 Apr
20 Apr
By: CGK 0


Three (3) patients have tested positive for COVID-19 in Kajiado County since the pandemic was declared in the country last month. The latest case was confirmed yesterday in Ngong, Matasia where a 34 year old female patient with no history of travel was tested positive after two days of isolation at the Ole Kasasi Health Centre. The patient has since been transferred to the Kenyatta University Hospital for further management as the surveillance team commences contact tracing and possible quarantine for those she exposed.
The other patient, a 38 year old lady from Kitengela (Korompoi) was tested positive and later treated at The Aga Khan Hospital on 2nd April and has already recovered. All his known contacts have been traced and they all tested negative as well.
The third patient was the first  COVID-19 confirmed case in the country, reported on 13th March  in Nairobi: a  27th year old lady from Olekasasi ,Ongata Rongai with a history of travel from abroad. Her case was managed at The Mbagathi District Hospital and she was declared negative after 21 days in isolation at the facility. Her contacts have also been traced, quarantined and tested with their samples indicating a negative result for the virus.
The Department of Health has confirmed that no one has succumbed to COVID-19 related deaths in the County so far as fully equipped frontline workers continue to
monitor patients in the the isolation centers in all sub counties.
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02 Apr
02 Apr
By: CGK 0



As you are all aware, our country continues to experience the impact of the Corona Virus Disease (COVID -19).

The County Government of Kajiado is cognizant of the negative economic impact of COVID 19. Many business enterprises are suffering huge losses while others have closed. Many workers continue to lose their livelihoods as the effects of the situation persist.

In this unfolding situation, food security of our people is grossly threatened.

To cushion our people from higher food prices and to enable the business community to avail food supplies in affordable prices, I DIRECT the County Department of Finance to WAIVE TAXES and levies for April-June, 2020, as follows;

▪️Daily market Cess fees on Agricultural produce.

▪️Transit Cess fees for all Agricultural produce.

▪️Slaughter house inspection fees.

▪️Monthly parking fees for Passenger Service Vehicles (PSVs).

🔷Following a DECLARATION by the Ministry of Health that the transmission of the Corona Virus Disease in Kenya is now Community driven and that it is being spread through close contact among people who have disregarded observance of social distance as a measure to contain the spread of the pandemic, I have given the following DIRECTIVE;

▪️That the County Directorate of Inspectorate Services ensures trading activities in the County are CONDUCTED within the recommended ONE METRE distance with a special focus on RETAIL MARKETS, CATTLE SALE YARDS, SUPERMARKETS, BUS PARKS and HEALTH FACILITIES.

▪️Business enterprises that deal with essential goods and services and are still operating MUST ensure that their customers observe the recommended SOCIAL DISTANCE when transacting.

▪️Administrative action will be taken against business enterprises that do not abide by the issued social distance guidelines.

The County Inspectorate officers are URGED to observe restraint when handling members of the public.

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