Month: June 2019

28 Jun
By: CGK 0


County Government’s effort to improve the road network in a more sustainable and affordable manner is now here.
The County has received the first batch of its heavy capital machinery which  are ready to roll.There is now  a brand new excavator, grader and truck.
The  upcoming road works programme is aimed at infrastructure upgrade , proper  graveling and drainage across the county.
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26 Jun
By: CGK 0


Together with Devolution & ASALs CS Eugene Wamalwa, H.E the Governor have launched preparations to host the 2nd Arid & Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) conference to be held at Amboseli National Park on September 10th ~ 12th 2019.

On behalf of the County H.E the Governor welcomes all Kenyans and our donor partners to fully support this beautiful event. Twenty-nine counties will participate. The theme of this year’s conference is “Consolidating ASALs for development posterity.”

“As a county, we are glad for the confidence the national government has shown in partnering with us to host this great event. I urge all residents, investors and stakeholders to take advantage no the thousands of Kenyans and development partners who will come visiting” said the H.E the Governor.

County Government of Kajiado is ready to showcase its beautiful culture, and explore economic opportunities that remain unexploited in this region.

Karibuni Amboseli!!


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14 Jun
By: CGK 0


The County Government of Kajiado will pay all pending bills from contracted services by the end of June this year.
Richard Parsitau who heads a seven member committee mandated by H.E. Governor Joseph Lenku to probe pending bills in the County asked the contractors to be patient as his team streamlined all the underlying issues.
He admitted that some of the debts were inherited from the defunct Local authority adding that documentation had been the major impediment to a smooth payout process.
He assured all parties of a workable payout formula once the committee presents its findings to H.E. The Governor in the coming week.
“ I urge all of you to be patient and await a positive outcome of this process before close of the current financial year,” he added.
Parsitau who is also a Director, Governor’s Delivery Unit, GDU, further advised all those willing to engage in business with the County Government to ensure a proper inventory of all their documents so as to ease the payment process. He noted that some contractors had submitted erroneous or expired requisite documents such as tax compliance certificates and this had contributed to delays in payments.
His sentiments were echoed by Daniel Kanchori, PA in the Office of the Governor who said the County Government was determined to clear all pending bills by the end of the financial year. He advised all contractors to forward all the requisite documents through the committee to the relevant departments for perusal awaiting further action on payments.
“ Once all documents are certified and are satisfactory we will pay accordingly,” he said.
For the longest time contractors in Kajiado had lamented at the haphazard payments made by the County Government on delivered projects and services since the onset of devolution.
The situation they said had negatively impacted on their businesses as some had to close up shop due to accrued debts and high interest rates from their creditors who are majorly financial lending institutions.
“The unending bureaucracy at the finance and procurement departments at the county headquarters have further led to delays in my payments two years after delivering services to the County,” lamented a tree seedlings supplier at the meeting.
They said it was in bad taste for the County Government to make piece meal payments yet they had satisfactorily delivered their end of the bargains.
“It is uncouth for the County to float public tenders without consideration of the payout modalities once they have been awarded,” said a contractor.
The aggrieved parties requested the relevant offices in the County Government to fastrack the payment process in view that they some had spilled over from the previous government.
During the meeting at the Maasai Technical Training Institute, MTTI, members of public were also given an opportunity to share their views with the committee on the state of the completed projects in their Wards.
They highlighted that some of the projects had been shoddily done with visible cracks on some buildings and impassable roads that got even worse during the rainy seasons due to poor workmanship.
The Committee agreed to recommend among others a systemic feedback channel where contractors can track the progress of their payments, an adherence to the service charter by officers in the key departments adversely mentioned and a fully operational accounting system that can track payments and flag any pending bills for consideration.
The current financial year comes to a close at the end of June and it is hoped that all pending bills will be factored and resolved by then.
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03 Jun
By: CGK 0


The Department of Roads and Public Works has  moved to clear the ground for the start of the construction of the new Kitengela Market.
Today was the end of the grace period granted by a Kajiado Court to the traders to peacefully relocate to a new site at the local stadium to pave way for the construction of the ultra-modern market.
Roads and Public Works CEC Alex Kilowua and his Trade and Enterprise Development counterpart Alvin Kimani supervised  the ground clearance.
The 3- storey market will be constructed by the County Government at a cost of Sh 120 Million.
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01 Jun
By: CGK 0


H.E the Deputy Governor led the people of Kajiado on behalf of H.E Joseph Ole Lenku in marking the 56th Madaraka Day Celebrations at KCB Grounds Kajiado.

In accelerating service delivery to the people it is important to recognize that our County and National Government has no boundaries as we mark 56 years of independence. Kajiado residents do celebrate the milestones of devolution that has brought service delivery close to the people.

“We celebrate and honor all those who gave their lives to the struggle of our independence so that we can enjoy total freedom. Coming together and working hard in our communities to transform lives and fight poverty is proper and befitting in honoring those whose blood was shed and paid the ultimate price for us to govern ourselves” said Moshisho.

H.E the Deputy Governor Martin Moshisho was accompanied by Members of County Assemblies and County staff.

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