- Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation
- Finance and Economic Planning
- Medical Services and Public Health
- Education, Vocational Training, Youth and Sports
- Lands, Physical planning, Urban development, Housing and Municipalities
- Roads, Public Works, Transport and Energy
- Trade, Investments and Enterprise Development
- Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Public Service, Administration, Social Services, Citizen Participation and Inspectorate Services

Kajiado County Department of Livestock Development has embarked on a massive program to vaccinate more than 800,000 livestock against trans-boundary diseases. The one month drive will see 400,000 heads of cattle against Foot and Mouth Disease, PPR and Rift Valley Fever. A further 400,000 sheep and goats will be vaccinated against Blue Tongue.
Governor Joseph Ole Lenku launched the program at Maili 46 in Iloodokilani Ward, Kajiado West Sub County. Agriculture and Livestock Development Chief Officer Moses Murunya said Kajiado East, Kajiado South and Kajiado Central Sub Counties will be covered.Governor Lenku said the program will save thousands of livestock from dying due to the diseases. The risk of the diseases has been heightened by increased movement of livestock between Kajiado and Narok Counties as well as across the Sub Counties.
“I encourage our livestock keepers to get the vaccinations. We are working on mitigation measures to ensure the effects of the drought are reduced,” he said.Governor Lenku asked herders to be mindful of each other and share the available pasture and water as the situation will come to an end.
“Let us be our brothers’ keepers during these hard times,” he added.

Public participation forums kicked off today in several wards across the county. The high turn up rate by residents across the County conveyed in different ward level to budget their ward allocation kitty. In these forums the attendance of chair- Kajiado municipality, COs and other officers from several departments, residents got to discuss, identify and prioritize projects to be undertaken by the county under their ward allocation kitty.
In a bid to beat the 30th April deadline for submission of County Budget Estimates to the Kajiado County Assembly for deliberation and approval, the County Executive kicked off its public participation exercise in earnest across the County.
In most County Wards, The Stakeholders from the County met with members of the public and deliberated on thematic areas of development cutting across the various departments of the County Government.
The Public also got to learn that the magnitude of the proposed projects always dictate the budgetary allocations. That the County Assembly is duty bound to fairly dispense and equitably allocate County resources for development across the wards.
Most complains from the public were reflected on the bureaucracy in the Procurement process at the County headquarters for the delays in project implementation. Issue with contractors for not involving the community and the leadership on the status of the projects in their localities was also mentioned.
Contractors engaged in County development projects have been put on notice to deliver results within the dictated terms or face immediate termination of their services.
The office of the controller of budget has also encouraged residents at the forums to be more proactive in validation exercises of the ongoing projects within their localities to ensure that they own the process and the completed projects once handed over to them. Budgetary provisions will also be made to conduct a feasibility study in most projects to ascertain their status.
Further, county departments have been challenged to institute stringent measures which should include formation of oversight committees to monitor and evaluate the projects to ensure that allocated public funds are utilized for the intended purposes. The Committees would thereafter submit their findings for possible termination of contracts and black listing of non performing firms.
The Public Participation exercise which is going on across the County in all wards ends of Friday is guided by the principle of reasonable access of information related to policy formulation and implementation. It is these that form the basis of approval of development projects and budgets and granting of permits and establish emend of specific performance standards as dictated in Chapter 87 of the County Government Act,2012.

Public participation forum in Ongata Rongai Ward,Kajiado North

Public participation forum in Kitengela Ward,Kajiado East.

Public participation forum in Poka Kenyawa Ward,Kajiado East

Public participation forum in Dalalekutuk Ward, Kajiado Central