Month: February 2019

26 Feb
By: CGK 0


The Ksh 800 Million World Bank-funded market in Ngong will be ready for occupation in Six months. To pave way for the construction of the market, the relocation of the over two thousand traders has begun.

The relocation exercise kicked off in earnest this week under a strict and largely transparent process that seeks to have most of the traders accommodated.

Towards this end, prospective allotters are expected to present themselves at the site with their national identification cards and validated against the list of all registered market traders.

Upon validation they will be issued with a ballot by the market committee from which they will pick a random number with a special seal which will be their allocated stall number.

The first day of the allocation will see groceries and cereal traders allocated their stalls followed by new clothes, mitumba, shoes, miraa and beba beba traders on the following day.

On Wednesday shops, hotels, malimali, fruits, charcoal and chicken traders will be shown to their stalls.

On Thursday, 28, February 2019, the market will be officially opened to the public in a ceremony to be presided over by the Governor of Kajiado, Joseph Ole Lenku and the PS State Department of Housing and Urban Development, Charles Hinga.

A number of stalls have been set aside to cater to Special Interest groups with the amenities and infrastructure within the market designed to accommodate their needs. County enforcement and security officers have been directed to ensure that all roadside traders vacate to the temporary market at Ngong Stadium once the new market commences its operations.

The County Trade and Investments Chief Officer Grace Saitoti, Ngong Ward MCA Hon. Robert Muoria together with other County officials have been instrumental in the supervision of this exercise.

The World Bank under Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement (NAMSIP) begun building the market last year but stalled due to a misunderstanding which was later resolved between the traders and the County Government of Kajiado over the temporary relocation of traders.

The four storey ultra-modern    market is said to be the biggest in East and Central Africa and is expected to give Ngong Town a much-needed face lift with ample parking lots, loading bays and all essential social amenities.



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22 Feb
By: CGK 0


The Kajiado County Government through The Ministry of Trade, Culture, Tourism and Wildlife wishes to invite the general public to a weights and measures exercise whose purpose is to assessing and where necessary, stamp, such weights, measures and measuring instruments within the Township/Trading centre of Kajiado and a radius of twenty kilometers.

The exercise will be conducted on 25th February 2019 to 1st March 2019 at Kajiado Town. All charges in respect to the said assessing and stamping will be subject to the Weights and Measures rules.

Members of public are duly advised that every weight, measure, weighing and measuring instruments used by way of trade (including sales with the weights belonging thereto scale beams spring balances, steel yard, weighing machines and other instruments for weights and measuring) must be verified and stamped annually by the inspector with a stamp of verification under the weights and measures Act (Cap. 513)

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21 Feb
By: CGK 0


Kajiado County has prioritized social development in the next fiscal year according to the 2019 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) . The paper which is aligned with other county policies among them the 2018 – 2022 County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) and the Annual Development Plan (ADP) 2019 seeks to lay the emphasis on food security and improved nutrition as well as ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all residents of Kajiado County.

Speaking during a 2019 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) Public Participation Forum at   Maasai Technical Training Institute, the Chief Officer in-charge of Treasury Maurice Kaaka said ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all together with Infrastructural development will have an effect of supporting economic growth and supporting value addition to increase income.“As a county we aim to lay the emphasis on food security and improved nutrition because we all know a healthy population equals a developed County, “he added.

His sentiments were echoed by outgoing CECm Finance and County Treasury Michael Semera who said the county continually maintains a balanced budget through its spending keeping a track of the proposed development programmes and projects.“The County’s Infrastructural development will be key in supporting economic growth as well as promotion of value addition to increase income,”he noted.

The Kajiado County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) is the County’s Government’s strategy document for the budget and provides the link between the overall policies and budget implementation. It highlights the strategic development objectives and priorities and how they shall be implemented through specific programmes.  Its preparation is stipulated in line with Sec 117 of the PFMA, 2012 and its Regulations 2015.

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12 Feb
By: CGK 0


Mr. Speaker;

It is a very warm Kajiado afternoon and I want to trust that our hearts are as warm too; as warm because it is not, necessarily, as a result of our human efforts but God’s divine guidance that we have seen and are here today as leaders ;  the servants of this great and blessed County.

In a sense, the first sitting of the third Session of this assembly accords us a prime opportunity to, yet again, come together as one, the leadership of this County, to chart a way forward; to provide direction; and to share ideas.

Mr. Speaker;

When I cast my eyes around this assembly, I see honorable members in very high spirits and, indeed, raring to go! It is not lost to me, nevertheless, that, as we start our new session, the past session was characterized by the much needed unity of purpose between the County Executive and this County Assembly.

As your Governor, Mr. Speaker, I can’t ask for more but stand here happy to testify that the journey of Uniting Kajiado, which we started, in earnest, in the beginning of my tenure, is still on course.

Therefore, we are a united people. We are no longer held down by the baggage of the unholy alliance of political division and tribalism. Ours is a relationship in which our people’s interests, needs and plight come first; it is a partnership which creates an enabling environment for us – the Executive and the Assembly – to fulfill our respective mandates as enshrined in the Constitution.

Mr. Speaker;

It is this partnership, I can confidently say, that is propelling our County to lead among those counties that are, gracefully and quickly, departing from the path of ordinary performance into a completely new path of transformation and positive scores as key indices of our development.

For example, Sir, we are on record, as the first county to ever hold a “One Year in Office” public report card ceremony for our performance.

This is a fete which, as your governor, I cherish. It is the clearest indicator of our total commitment to accountability to the great people of Kajiado.

Furthermore, Mr. Speaker, we are prominently in the list of counties that have spent enormous amounts of money on development. This far, in our current financial year, our County’s Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS), indicates that we spent more than half a billion shillings as development funds in the first half of the 2018/2019 Financial year.

Needless to say, about 503 Million shillings was paid out to contractors for either ongoing or completed projects in our departments of Roads, Education, Agriculture & Livestock as well as Health. This is the highest ever in the history of our devolved unit.

Mr. Speaker;

Our efforts are not just focused on the efficient and effective expenditure of development funds but also matched with our revenue collection determination.

During the first half of 2018/2019 financial year, our revenue collection continued to rise impressively. For example, between July 1 and December 31, 2018, our revenue collection shot up by 163 per cent. In that period alone, we collected 368 Million shillings compared to 138 Million shillings collected during the same period in the previous financial half year.

This performance has been rated by the Commission for Revenue Allocation (CRA) as the second most improved County in the country.   With these great strides, I look forward to more revenue collection, especially after setting up a directorate of revenue which will now report directly to my office.

Mr Speaker;

It is not just the sterling performance in the financial sector which is putting Kajiado on the national map. Our continued investment in equipping our healthcare institutions, improving  infrastructure, recruiting and training personnel and updating systems have enhanced our county’s healthcare availability, accessibility and utilization.

In recent months, Mr. Speaker, our County was rated as having the highest increase of the patients seeking health services in County health facilities. A report which analyzed hospital visits and citizens perception of county health facilities which compared January 1-June 30 (2017) and January 1-June 30 (2018) showed an increase of patients in our health facilities by about 45 per cent.

Furthermore, 187,271 patients sought medical services in our top five hospitals in the second half of 2018 down from 129,512 patients the same period in 2017.

These figures are records from Kajiado Referral Hospital, Ngong, Kitengela and Loitokitok Sub County Hospitals as well as Ongata Rongai health centre.

This is a confirmation that our people are utilizing our health facilities more than ever before. In fact, Sir, a reknown private hospital had to close their branch in Kitengela township after many residents opted for Kitengela Sub County Hospital.

Mr Speaker;

There is a lot more positive things happening in our County.  We shall continue to top the charts among our fellow counties.

We continue to seek support of this honorable assembly to scale higher heights in the delivery of services for our people.

Mr. Speaker;

I am very well seized of the constitutional oversight role that this honorable Assembly plays.

Thus, on behalf of the Executive arm of our Government, I welcome the Assembly to constructively, and I repeat constructively, keep my Executive Committee Members on their toes, especially on the full implementation of our development priorities, plans and projects.

Therefore, Mr. Speaker, allow me to sound up, specifically, the Assembly’s Committee on Implementation; Please, take and scale up your rightful role in the implementation of our development projects. You are our people’s ‘eyes’ in what we do as a Government. Keep us on the go! Keep us on the run! Your support is extremely critical in fast-tracking the pace of our development.

Mr. Speaker;

Let me now turn to our legislative agenda: The robust working relationship between us and this Assembly has enabled us to, equally, come through with a number of very useful legislations.

For example, I signed three bills into law on January 29, 2019.

These are;

(A)The Kajiado County Administrative Structures Act (2018)

(B) The Kajiado County Inspectorate Service Act (2018)

(C)The Kajiado County Emblems and Names Act (2018).

With all these, Mr. Speaker, I am, extremely glad that we have started this calendar year on a very high legislative note. I look forward to more Bills from my County Executive. I am, really, seized of the fact that some of our largely devolved sectors, such as Health, Agriculture and Livestock experience operational gaps that require legislative streamlining.

In the offing, we have;

The Health Services Bill

The Community Health Services Bill

The Public Health and Sanitation Bill

The Livestock Sale yards Bill

The Agricultural Mechanisation Services Bill

The Agricultural Training Centres Bill

The Animal Welfare Bill  and

The Livestock Policy Bill.


Therefore, Mr. Speaker, today, I want to direct the CEC Members of the departments concerned to immediately start working closely with the County Assembly, to ensure that the next time I address this Assembly, these bills will have been enacted into laws.

While still on our legislative agenda, I note, with a lot of concern that the Kajiado County Environment Management Bill went through the entire legislation process in the last administration. A lot of tax-payers resources and Assembly time were spent up to Assent stage. However, it remains in limbo.

Mr. Speaker;

Some bit of scrutiny of this proposed Bill reveals that it provides a concrete approach in addressing the critical area of sustainable environment and waste management.

Our County continues to experience exponential urban growth and the main provisions of this Bill remain relevant to our day to day mission to keep our environment clean and sustainable, more so in  our urban centres.

Therefore, Mr. Speaker, we do not have to re-invent the wheel. I DIRECT the CEC Members in charge of Environment   to immediately engage stakeholders, review the entire Bill and give us a document I can sign into law. Honorable members of this Assembly, please, give that Bill a special attention to enable us dispense with it.

Mr. Speaker;

While I am cognizant of the fact that the Executive has a bigger role in preparation of Bills, I have noted, with a lot of satisfaction, the introduction of several Private Members Bills.

These Bills are a clear demonstration that the Honorable Members in this Second Assembly are willing to partner with the Executive to make life better for the people of Kajiado.

Therefore, Mr. Speaker I wish to, personally appreciate the following Honourable Members for taking up the challenge of formulating Private Members Bills;

Hon Joseph Masiaya for the  Corporate Social Responsibility Bill;

Hon Onesmus Ngogoyo for the Water Harvesting Bill

Hon Winnie Sein for the Charcoal Burning Bill.

Hon Amos Peshut for the Urban and Physical Planning Bill.

I urge them to work closely with all stakeholders and ensure the Bills   see the light of day at the earliest opportunity.

Mr. Speaker;

Beyond our legislation agenda, it goes without saying that our County is in a strong partnership with the National Government in our development programmes.

Out of this robust cooperation, H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta accorded us a golden chance to host this year’s National Madaraka Day celebrations on June 1st, 2019.

We much appreciate this important gesture in our unfailing relationship with the President; Just yesterday, I hosted the National Celebrations Executive Committee from the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government to kick-start the preparations for the Madaraka Day, 2019. We take pride in this honour.

Mr Speaker;

That’s not all.  Our County has been selected to host the Annual Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALS) Conference that brings together  29 counties. We are ready to host this event at Amboseli National Park in August. We seek the Assembly’s support in this endeavor.

Mr Speaker;

Our focus this year will be to address water concerns, consolidate health care gains and land reforms. Our water plans got a major boost last week when H.E President Kenyatta appointed prominent personalities from our county to key water institutions in our country.

I, therefore, congratulate my predecessor Hon Dr David Nkedianye, Mr Kakuta Maimai, Hon Moses Ole Sakuda and Mr David Kitasho for their appointments. With these new appointments, I am convinced we have able representation in key water agencies and I hope this will boost our bargaining power in the mission to provide water to Kajiado residents.

Mr. Speaker;

Finally, let me speak about what, I think, many of you in the Assembly, really, want me to pronounce myself on, loud and clear! And that is none other than the most unfortunate of the crises of our time – The Tax Evasion Crisis by Tata Chemicals Magadi Ltd.

From the outset, let it be known, in case of any doubts, that our County Government has the legitimacy to engage all stake-holders and corporate within our jurisdiction in carrying out our mandate of making life more valuable and meaningful to our people.

As we welcome and give all incentives to investors in our County, it is paramount that such investors abide by our laws, rules and regulations as well as respect for our people’s dignity, rights and freedoms.

Mr. Speaker;

Soda Ash in Magadi is one of our major natural resources in the county bestowed to us by God Almighty. For years, it has been a lifeline for many generations.


Despite the long history of soda ash mining in Magadi, I am pained, as your leader, to say that I take great exception to the treatment of our people by Tata Chemicals Magadi Ltd.

Their activities, to say the very least, have no regard for our people; they have, simply, earmarked us for removal and extinction from OUR LAND; OUR HERITAGE.

Mr. Speaker;

It is unimaginable and  beyond human expression that a corporate guest to our land, Tata Chemicals Magadi LTD, just ten days ago, had the courage, to destroy, in fact, to demolish, our county office block. This office block was an output of a public consultative  engagement process. It is ironical that this meeting was attended by representatives of Tata Chemicals Magadi Ltd.

Mr. Speaker;

This company has completely disregarded the following laws;

(A)The Finance Act

(B)The Public Health Act

(C)The Mining Act


The impunity displayed by this company bespeaks of corporate greed that has never been seen here in Kajiado and elsewhere in the world; It manifests a conspiracy of big business and corporate injustice against the Maasai community; this can’t be anything but an institutionalized bid to marginalize us further in our own homeland.


Mr. Speaker;

As leaders, we cannot take this anymore! Protection of our people takes precedence over everything else, including corporate profits. We aren’t the type to be compromised at the altar of grossly exaggerated Corporate Social Responsibility; we aren’t so ready to be blackmailed in order for corporate entities to evade their tax obligations to the County.

We shall, as usual, offer all our support to investors who fulfill basic requirements such as tax obligations. It is the only way we can trade; The only way we should deal.


Mr. Speaker;

It is time to say NO! It is time to say NO to Tata Chemicals Magadi LTD; It is time to say NO to exploitation by mindless corporates; it is time for us all, in unison and one accord, to say NO!

Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I want to let this honorable Assembly and the world out there to know that as FOR ME AND MY PEOPLE, we have said NO; We have said NO to the activities of Tata Chemicals Magadi Ltd!  They must pay up what belongs to our people!

God Bless You All.

God Bless Kajiado County!


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12 Feb
By: CGK 0


H.E. Joseph Ole Lenku opened the first sitting of the third Session of the Kajiado County Assembly and called on unity of purpose between the County Executive and the County Assembly. He said gone are days when the relationship between the two institutions was characterized by unholy alliances of political division and tribalism. He said the interest of the people of Kajiado came first and it is only through partnership in an enabling environment that the Executive and County Assembly can fulfill their respective mandate as enshrined in the Constitution.

“It is this partnership, I can confidently say, that is propelling our County to lead among those counties that are, gracefully and quickly, departing from the path of ordinary performance,” said the Governor.

In his address before the Assembly Lenku highlighted the first year in office achievements of his government following the public report card on performance. Key among these he said was the fact that the county which had previously appeared prominently in the list of counties that have spent enormous amounts of money on development had so far spent more than half a billion shillings as development funds in the first half of the 2018/2019 Financial year according to the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) indicators. He further revealed that Kshs503 M has been paid out to contractors for either ongoing or completed projects in departments of Roads, Education, Agriculture & Livestock as well as Health.

He said revenue collection had steadily risen by 163 per cent during the first half of 2018/2019 financial year with Kshs 368M collected as compared to Ksh 138M collected during the same period in the previous year making Kajiado the second most improved County countrywide according to the Commission for Revenue Allocation (CRA) ratings.With regards to healthcare, Lenku said the continued investment in equipping healthcare institutions, improving infrastructure, recruiting and training personnel and updating systems have enhanced the county’s healthcare availability, accessibility and utilization. This he said has resulted to an increase of the patients seeking health services in County health facilities and the major hospitals in Kajiado, Ngong, Kitengela and Loitokitok Sub County Hospitals as well as Ongata Rongai health centre.

At the same time Lenku challenged the County Assembly through its Committee on Implementation to constructively keep his Executive Committee Members on their toes on the full implementation of development priorities, plans and projects.“You are our people’s ‘eyes’ in what we do as a Government. Keep us on the go! Keep us on the run! Your support is extremely critical in fast-tracking the pace of our development,” he said.

In highlighting legislative achievements, the Governor thanked the County Assembly’s efforts that has realized the enactment of three bills recently. He said the recently assented Bills; The Kajiado County Administrative Structures Act (2018) , The Kajiado County Inspectorate Service Act (2018) and The Kajiado County Emblems and Names Act (2018) will go a long way in strengthening service delivery for the benefit of the people of the County.“I am, extremely glad that we have started this calendar year on a very high legislative note. I look forward to more Bills from my County Executive.,” noted Lenku.

He however noted with concern that the Kajiado County Environment Management Bill, 2015 was in limbo even after going through the entire legislation process with millions of tax payers resources having being utilized. Lenku directed the CEC Members in charge of Environment to immediately engage stakeholders, review the entire Bill and provide a document that can be enacted into law as soon as possible.

The Governor singled out Members of County Assembly in their efforts to introduce private members bills terming it a clear demonstration of their resolve to partner with the Executive for the benefit of the people of Kajiado. The Hon. Joseph Masiaya (Corporate Social Responsibility Bill), Hon. Onesmus Ngogoyo (Water Harvesting Bill) Hon. Winnie Sein (Charcoal Burning Bill) and Hon. Amos Peshut (Urban and Physical Planning Bill) were singled out in his address.

Lenku also lauded the National Government for its continued partnership on development programmes in the County. He revealed that Kajiado County will play host to this year’s National Madaraka Day celebrations on June 1st, 2019. Further he said, the County has been selected to host the Annual Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALS) Conference that brings together 29 counties.

He recognized the recent appointments of his predecessor Hon. Dr David Nkedianye, Mr Kakuta Maimai, Hon. Moses Ole Sakuda and Mr. David Kitasho and congratulated them on their new roles. He hoped that their inclusion will boost the County’s bargaining power in the mission to provide water to Kajiado residents.

The governor took issue with TATA Chemicals Magadi for the recent invasion of a warehouse in Magadi Township where structures and building materials meant for the construction of County facilities were demolished and destroyed. He condemned the incident which he said sparked outrage among the local residents who have for a long time looked forward to service delivery within their localities.

He added that this punitive destruction happened in the wake of a civil engagement between the company, his government and investors on formal and civil implications of setting up the administrative offices in the area. He termed it unfortunate that despite the cordial relationship over the years, the company contravened the law and destroyed government property with total disregard to the interests of people of Kajiado.  “As leaders, we cannot take this anymore! Protection of our people takes precedence over everything else, including corporate profits. We aren’t the type to be compromised at the altar of grossly exaggerated Corporate Social Responsibility; we aren’t so ready to be blackmailed in order for corporate entities to evade their tax obligations to the County, “said Lenku.

He was however categorical that his government was in full support of all investors who fulfill basic requirements such as tax obligations but not at the expense of the people of Kajiado. He vowed to ensure that all the arrears owed by TATA Chemicals Magadi Limited are settled in full since it was a legitimate expectation of the people of Kajiado.

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11 Feb
By: CGK 0


Madaraka Day preparation kicked off today as H.E the Governor was accompanied by County officials and the Interior Ministry top officials led by Principal Administrative Secretary, Kang’ethe Thuku EBS visited the Madaraka 2019 National Celebrations venue in Kajiado town.

The joint National and County team will immediately start the infrastructural foundation as well as other necessary preparations.

”As Kajiado people, we are grateful to President Kenyatta for choosing Kajiado as a the host of the national event.This is an honor to us and we promise the Country the best celebrations ever”Lenku said.

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05 Feb
By: CGK 0


H.E. Joseph Ole Lenku has openly condemned the action taken by TATA Chemicals Magadi Limited to demolish structures and building materials meant for the construction of County facilities in Magadi Township. The weekend incident has sparked outrage among the local residents who have for a long time looked forward to service delivery within their localities.

In a press statement released to the media, Lenku promised swift legal action against the company, terming their move as criminal and outrageous since a lot of tax payers’ money had gone down the drain with such an unprovoked move.“The decision to put up administrative offices to serve the remote areas of Magadi and the greater Kajiado West sub county was meant to better my government’s service delivery. This incident is unfortunate,’’ he exclaimed.

The governor mentioned that a consultative public meeting held last month between The County Government of Kajiado and TATA Chemical Magadi highlighted the urgency of administrative offices in the area to cater to the dire need of County services by the residents. He added that a civil engagement was already in the offing between the company, his government and investors on formal and civil implications of setting up the administrative offices in the area.

Lenku also revealed that The TATA Chemical Magadi stands blacklisted by the County Government for defaulting on payment of levies in arrears to the tune of over Kshs. 17Billion.

“Like all other devolved units, the County Finance Act governs levies applicable to different activities within the County; all investors including TATA Chemicals Magadi are bound by this and other county legislation,” said Lenku.

The governor has demanded that the arrears be settled in full adding that it was not only fair to do so but also as a legitimate expectation of the people of Kajiado.

He called upon the residents of Magadi and Kajiado West to maintain calm and trust the investigative agencies to complete their work since defaulter issue was before court and the law was expected to take its course.

He said the hard-line stand taken by the company despite the cordial relationship over the years was retrogressive since the people of Kajiado are the ultimate losers in as far as service delivery by the county government is concerned.

Lenku assured investors that despite this stand-off, Kajiado remains a haven of peace and a conducive county for investment that is geared towards development and the good of the people of Kajiado.

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