Month: November 2018

29 Nov
By: CGK 0


H.E the Governor has launched a developmental affirmative action, for Mosiro ward, one of the most marginalized wards in the County.
In an elaborate tour with his senior county officials, Governor Lenku said never again will Mosiro Ward be abandoned the way it has been by past regimes.” You are part of Kajiado County. You shall not weep again for the developmental discrimination you have suffered. I have a special focus on the very rural areas which have not seen any tangible development in the past,” said Governor Lenku at a public rally in Mosiro town.
Before the rally, H.E the Governor commissioned the Emparbal water project where hundreds of local residents will now be drawing clean and fresh water.
Together with Medical Services Chief Officer, Jacob Sampeke, the Governor also inspected Mosiro Dispensary which attends to 20 patients daily as well as being the only health facility that offers maternity services in the Ward.
Accompanied by Chief Officers Douglas Konana (Water) and Leakey Ritei (Agriculture), the Governor inspected the ongoing construction of Mosiro Irrigation Scheme. The project with a capacity of 28 Million liters will be constructed at a cost of Ksh 30 Million. It is expected to be complete by June next year. “Under my Watch, Mosiro will never be discriminated against the way it has been. The irrigation scheme will greatly boost food security for these residents,” he said. The Governor also stated that the people of Emparbal can now draw clean and fresh water for the first time from the county’s water project.
“As an Affirmative Action on local youth, I have directed that Mosiro must have at least 50 youths in the next intake of the on-going County Vocational Skills Training Programme,” the Governor added.
The day long tour also saw area MCA Peter Tirishe hail the Governor for pledging to consider more local sons and daughters for county jobs.

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28 Nov
By: CGK 0




The second cycle of bursary disbursement of the year 2017/2018 has been completed.You may view the beneficiary list as per institution by clicking media then publication then bursary beneficiary list.

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27 Nov
By: CGK 0


The dream to construct one of Kenya’s most modern retail markets in Kajiado County nears reality.Top officials of the Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project (NAMSIP) handed over the new site to the contractor, China Tiancheng Construction Company  in a function attended by the Deputy Governor, Martin Moshisho.

The 4-storey ultra-modern market will house 2,300 traders and its construction will now begin.The relocation site is the first phase of the project and will cost Ksh 60 Million.It will be completed in the next six weeks.

The County’s Department of Trade has managed to unclog the standoff between traders and the County Government that almost frustrated efforts to have a new complex market which is expected to be the biggest in East and Central Africa.

During the launch, H.E Moshisho thanked the Ngong market traders for their commitment that saw them agree to shift in January to their temporary new market site under construction.”We shall give priority to the traders who were already there and the youth for whom we want to create self-employment job opportunities,” said the Deputy Governor.

The Ngong Market is one of the three multi-million markets NAMSIP wants to construct in Kajiado County.The others are Ole Kasasi and Kitengela.

NAMSIP Deputy Director Peter Mwaura confessed that the project almost collapsed due to traders grievances but thanked Governor Joseph Ole Lenku for intervening and whipping the traders in accepting to embrace the projects.

On several occasions, Trade and Investments Chief Officer Grace Saitoti held a series of meetings with the traders to hammer out all the pending issues.

Ngong MCA Robert Sungura assured the World Bank that the project had full support of the traders.


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23 Nov
By: CGK 0


County Government corporates take up 200 vocational interns as skills program starts to bear fruits:More than 200 youths being trained for vocational skills by County Government are set to proceed for attachment.

The youths, who are part of the 1,000 youth’s targeted for skills this financial year, have completed their Grade 3 training and have been placed for internship starting in January. More than 20 corporate institutions operating in the County have offered to absorb the new graduates who will finish the internship in April next year.

Kajiado Education and Vocational Training CEC Member Lenku Seki said the trainees will proceed to Grade 2 in May. “We want to mold skilled youth who will be ready for the job market when we are through with them. We are happy the corporate institutions are supporting the internship programme,” said Seki.

The County minister said contractors in the county, especially those in building, construction and water works will also be drafted into the skills scheme so that they can offer on job exposure to the trainees.

Yesterday, Governor Lenku presided over the pass out for the trainees at the National Industrial Training Authority ( NITA) grounds in Kitengela.

The County Government and the KCB Foundation have jointly invested over KSh 100 Million in this the programme dubbed as “ Kazi Mkononi”.


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20 Nov
By: CGK 0


The Kajiado County Government through the department of Medical Services, Public Health and Sanitation joined the rest of the world in marking The World Toilet Day at KMQ dispensary, Loodokilani Ward, Kajiado County.

Though still a work in progress, the department has recorded a 27% versus 47% success in open defecation free zones in rural and urban areas of the county respectively.Speaking at the function, the CEC in charge of Health, Esther Somoire said her department hopes to create more awareness on the importance of toilets to residents of Kajiado County. She said that by the year 2020 Kajiado will have achieved this endeavor so long as the residents become receptive and are willing to accept the initiatives outlined by the Health Ministry.
“We are continually turning our environment into an open sewer. We must build toilets and sanitation systems by using solutions that work according to our needs,” she said.

Samoire said her ministry will move the campaign to create open defecation free zones to all corners of the county adding that sanitation was a key priority of this initiative especially with the onset of the long rains.
“We do not want a situation where we have outbreaks of diseases such as cholera because our people and animals consume contaminated rain water,” she said.

The CEC also took issue with adults who defecate in open areas because they fail to build toilets or latrines at their places of work. She singled out quarry workers and police manning road blocks as notable culprits of this vice.
“To make Kajiado County an open defecation free zone we must target everyone and insist on them to use toilets; from children in schools to adults in their places of work,” advised Samoire.

Also present were the Chief Officers within the Health docket, County Health Officers among other partners and related stakeholders.

World Toilet Day (WTD) is an official United Nations International observance day on 19 November to inspire action to tackle the global sanitation crisis. Worldwide 4.5 billion people live without safely managed sanitation and around the world 892 million people practice open defecation.

Sustainable Development Goal 6 aims to achieve sanitation for all and end open defecation. World toilet day exists to inform and inspire people to take action towards achieving this goal.

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20 Nov
By: CGK 0


The County Government of Kajiado through the Department of Youth, Sports, Gender and Social Services has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Centre for Intellectual Property Law, Advocacy and Research (CIPLAR), and Laughter palace for season 3 of Talanta Mtaani youth empowerment program in Kajiado.

Talanta Mtaani is a TV show that airs every Friday on KTN home and it seeks to empower Youth by providing a platform to grow and nature creative art.

150 youths across the County taking into consideration the dynamic rural-urban nature of the County are said to benefit from Season 3 of the show.

The contestants will get a chance to be trained on how to manage intellectual property, brand themselves ready for the market and receive mentorship and coaching services among other skills.

Dates for commencement of the talent search will be communicated. The agreement includes facilitation and technical support for the development of our own recording studios and creation of a Kajiado theatre similar to Kenya National Theatre.



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16 Nov
By: CGK 0


Kajiado County recorded the highest rise in number of patients seeking medical services in government hospitals in the country.A new comparative report that evaluated citizen perception of government medical services in devolved units between January to June, 2017, against the same period in 2018, showed an increase of 45 per cent of patients in Kajiado hospitals.

Between January and June 2017, 129, 512 patients visited the top five Kajiado hospitals compared to187, 271 patients in the same period this year.The hospital records were drawn from Kajiado Referral Hospital, Ngong, Kitengela and Loitokitok Sub County Hospitals as well as Ongata Rongai Health Centers.In total, the five hospitals recorded a 130 per cent rise in the number of admissions with Kajiado Referral Hospital leading with a 172 per cent rise in admissions.

During the period under review, Loitokitok Hospital was a choice for majority of residents for patients Inpatient services. It admitted 3,560 patients, a 148 per cent, from the 1,431 patients that were admitted in 2017.Kajiado Referral Hospital followed closely with 2, 640 patients in the half year period compared to 971 patients last year.Skilled deliveries in County hospitals rose by 88 per cent after 4,724 women gave birth in hospitals compared to 2,513 women last year.At 1,370, Kitengela Hospital received the highest number of expectant mothers compared to 512 last year.Outpatient service seekers in Kajiado hospitals rose from 80,457 in the first half of 2017 to 125,037 in 2018. This was a 55 per cent increase.Ongata Rongai Health Centre, commonly known as Saitoti hospital, had 14,852 maternal cases in 2018 compared to 13,460 last year.

Health Chief Administrative Secretary Rashid Aman and Director of Medical Services Dr Jackson Kioko praised the transformation of Kajiado hospitals when they visited Kajiado County Referral hospital for the national celebrations of World Pneumonia Day.

Kajiado County Health Services CEC Member Esther Somoire attributed the endorsement of county health services to   improved medical supplies and equipment that is now attracting more clients.” We are receiving patients from as far as Makueni, Machakos, Kiambu and Nairobi counties. Our new NHIF health cover is also enabling more people access our facilities.”

Governor Lenku, while speaking in Namanga during a development tour,said the report was a vote of confidence on the County’s Mbuzi Moja, Afya Bora Initiative that seeks to promote Universal Health for all Kajiado residents.“We shall keep pressing on to have more people enroll for the NHIF cover,” he said.


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14 Nov
By: CGK 0


Kajiado County department of youth,gender and social services in collaboration with stakeholders that include Coca-cola company,Athletics Kenya,Umma University,Twyford and Tata Chemicals Limited-Magadi will be hosting Kajiado Half Marathon on 16TH  December 2018 at Oloitoktok,Kimana town starting at 7 AM.

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13 Nov
By: CGK 0


Kajiado County  through the ministry of health hosted a national event to mark World Pneumonia Day at the county referral hospital.Pneumonia is one of the leading causes of deaths in children under five years old despite being easily preventable and treatable.It is a respiratory infection that leads to filling of lungs with fluid and leads to difficulty in breathing, high fever, severe cough and chest pain.

Speaking during the celebration , Chief Administrative Secretary Ministry of Health, Rashid Aman said pneumonia is still a big problem in Kenya.” Pneumonia still causes a lot of death in young children and as a ministry we  will work with kajiado county government to ensure we reduce the 4% rate to zero. As a ministry we are happy with the services  being  offered here in Kajiado that is why  we brought this event here.” Said Aman.

Kajiado  Deputy Governor H. E Martin Moshisho said  Kajiado is still below the required standard but the ministry has put a lot of effort.” Kajiado county  death rate is at 4% now and we hope in few years to come to reduce to even zero by training and motivating our communities health workers  and having all drugs needed at the hospitals for pneumonia patients .” Moshisho added that the County Government is highly committed in supporting the National Government achieve Universal Healthcare.” In our 2018/2019 budget the Health department got the lion’s share of the allocation because we want to see our people getting the best available treatments. We will work with the national government to ensure our people to bring services closer to them.” Said Moshisho.

CEC health Ester Somoire said the ministry will be doing mobilization and creating awareness to the local residents.” we know that a lot of sensitization needs to be done in the grassroots on the prevention of  pneumonia, we will work with our partners to  ensure this message of prevention reach to the interior parts of our county.The ministry brought over Pneumonia  drugs to be  for the next two years in the county.


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12 Nov
By: CGK 0


The Ministry of Health has scheduled to commemorate the World Pneumonia Day. World Pneumonia Day is commemorated annually on 12th November to raise awareness of pneumonia, promote, prevention, treatment, and generate action to fight the illness. The Theme of the day is “Stop Pneumonia: Invest in Child Health”.

The County Department of Health in conjunction with the Ministry of Health and other development partners therefore invites you to attend the commemoration day on 12th November 2018 at Kajiado County Referral Hospital starting at 0800.

H.E Joseph Ole Lenku, Governor Kajiado County will grace the occasion and the Chief Guest will be Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Hon. Sicily Kariuki.

You are cordially invited to join us for this auspicious and noble event

Thank you,
Kajiado County Department of Health

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