Month: April 2018

19 Apr
By: CGK 0


Kajiado County Governor Joseph Ole Lenku has called upon pastoralist communities in Kenya to be pro-active in pushing for national policies and legislation on pastoralism for it to be accepted as a viable business and a way of life.

He said Northern Kenya had for a long time been at the fore front of pushing for such policies and legislation on pastoralism. He revealed that Kajiado County had joined the fold and with strong representation of leaders from pastoral communities in The Senate and National Assembly, they were assured of responsive laws.

“Kajiado County is a key pillar in advancing development for our country anchored on the big four agenda championed by our President Uhuru Kenyatta”, said the Governor.

The Governor was speaking on Wednesday while hosting a gala for pastoralists at the ongoing Kenya Pastoralists Week in Kajiado where he challenged key stakeholders in pastoralism to engage in policy making processes at National and County level since that is the only way they would entrench prosperity of the trade in the face climate change that is threatening to disrupt their normal way of life.

At the same time he implored upon investors to consider Kajiado as the next business frontier endowed with expansive landscape, beautiful scenery and a cosmopolitan composition of cultures.

Speaking at the same function, County Commissioner David Kipkemei while praising the County Government for hosting the Pastoralist week,he urged the Maasai community to shun petty clanism and unite as one people adding that such groupings were the root cause of disunity and mistrust among the citizens of the County.

“Kajiado is the most peaceful and loving County, we should avoid uphold our culture but avoid petty clanism”, said Kipkemei.

His sentiments were echoed by trade CECM, Jackline Koin who called on the residents to maintain peace and tranquility that Kajiado has been known for adding that it is this that has made it the cradle of culture.

“Never run away from your culture but let us all work as one people,” said Koin.

Also present at the function was former Senate Speaker, Ekwe Ethuro.

The Kenya Pastoralist Week is a platform that brings together pastoralism from across the Country to discuss among other issues, pastoral practices, livelihood and legislation governing animal trade and movement. This forum is key as it happens in the face of imminent climate change that has changed pastoral patterns and it is hoped that the stakeholders will learn from and adopt best practices from other Counties.

The year’s theme focuses on Supporting Climate Smart Pastoralism in Kenya through approaches geared towards transforming and reorienting pastoralism development under new realities of climate change.

County News

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18 Apr
By: CGK 0




I am pleased to be part of this gathering here today to preside over the Kenya Pastoralists’ Week (KPW) which is an annual multi-stakeholder partnership.

Today, we converge here as stakeholders in the livestock sub sector. Here, we have
individual pastoralists, pastoralists’ associations, government (both National and County), private sector, academia and mainstream civil society to interact and impart skills and knowledge on pastoralism and its best management practices. KPW, thus, provides a unique opportunity for the various stakeholders to access pastoralist audience and markets.


The theme of Kajiado’s edition of KPW is Supporting Climate Smart Pastoralism in Kenya. This is, supporting an approach for transforming and reorienting pastoralism development under new realities of climate change.

This event showcases what we are doing about enhancing our peoples’ resilience to climate change as well as creating visibility, among pastoralists, of our products and services around climate change and resilience. It is also an opportunity to exchange ideas on how we can design better climate smart products and services, and hence enhance investment and consequently job creation and improved household incomes.


Basically, pastoralism resilience is the suitability to adapt to the arid and semi-arid environment which is characterised by low, variable rainfall pattern; high temperature; shrinking grazing land and reducing water points. The cumulative impact of land loss through human settlement due to population growth and industrialisation is rendering pastoralism unsustainable in its pure form in many areas.
There is simply not enough land or water, nor the required variety of pasturage and forage, to maintain a herd of the size and quality needed by the average household of a pastoral community.

The Kenya Pastoralists Week 2018 thus presents yet another opportunity for the country to focus on how best to support pastoralism to enable it be a key contributor to our economy.

It is more important than ever, for this country to have a conversation about how to step up efforts that can lead to a climate resilient pastoralism.


The Government recognised the potential of pastoralism in the 2010 Constitution of Kenya, by providing affirmative action programmes through Article 56. This is to ensurepreviously neglected pastoralist areas develop at the same pace with the rest of the country.

This was amplified in the Sessional Paper number 8 of 2012 on National Policy for the Sustainable Development of Northern Kenya and other Arid Lands: Releasing Our Full Potential’which disabuses the previously held argument that mobile pastoralism was irrational and environmentally destructive, and that the ASALs contributed little to the national economy. Contrary to this, as clearly asserted by the sessional paper, pastoralist areas have a lot of untapped potential which, if exploited, will lead to accelerated development of not only these areas, but the whole country.

I note with concern, the ever-mounting pressure from population growth, poverty, climate change and policies has unbearable consequences to traditional livestock based economy, necessitating a serious thinking not only for pastoralists but also for government.

The ASAL policy, which is currently under review, is planning to map, identify and undertake reclamation, rehabilitation and restoration of degraded and wasted lands in the ASALs. Here in Kajiado County, we already have a Spatial Plan whose aim is to ensure proper utilization of the land resource.

We, therefore, take this opportunity, to remind all our partners and stakeholders, that pastoralism is a very critical livelihood to the development of this nation. Arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs), constitute three quarters of the Kenya’s land mass and pastoralism provides livelihood to millions of Kenyans.

The livestock sub-sector employs half of the agricultural labour and has the highest employment multiplier. It contributes 12 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and accounts for 30 per cent of the agricultural output. The arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) host more than 75 per cent of Kenya’s livestock and employ 90 per cent of the regions’ residents.

The ‘2017 Kenya Economic Report’ by KIPPRA, shows the gross marketed production value for livestock and related products rose from Sh100.8 billion in 2015 to Sh 124.9 billion in 2016. This was the highest rise in four years.

The livestock economy remains largely informal, lowly productive, underdeveloped and hardly attracts investments. With no proper policy to support pastoralism, there is very weak investment in provision of services and infrastructure for the development of a vibrant livestock industry in the country.

Kajiado County is largely a livestock and agriculture-based economy. Provision of quality life to all citizens is envisioned in Vision 2030. To improve the economic base and increase incomes of the pastoral community in Kajiado, my Government has launched similar programmes based on the Vision’s three pillars: the economic, the social and the political. Eleven key flagship projects to drive this goal have been identified in the following areas;

Hay Production, Conservation and Utilization where we have set aside 10,000 acres for this purpose.
Development and strengthening of Livestock value chains.
Support for Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Linkage of the livestock subsector to the water subsector;Here, we are collaborating with the National Irrigation Board (NIB) to construct 400 small dams for irrigation across the county.
Revamping of livestock markets by introducing weighing machines and other services


To achieve the desired interventions for profitable pastoralism, not just in Kajiado, but across the country, several legislations are important.

My government through the different departments will draft several legislations to enable us implement our agenda. For example, because of the importance of Adaptation to climate change, my government will introduce into the County Assembly the Kajiado County Adaptation Fund Bill. Already about four counties (Makueni, Wajir, Garissa and Kitui) have passed the Climate Change Adaptation Fund Act.

With its structure designed to have Ward Adaptation and Planning Committees across the county, the Adaptation Plans place the community members at the centre of adaptation planning and decision making.
In the last drought period, Kajiado County recorded 232,400 livestock deaths, most of them while searching for pasture. With a healthy cow costing about KES 60,000, this was about Sh13.94 billion lost!

In achieving climate resilient pastoralism, the private sector has a very key role to play, not only through promoting climate smart investments that provide returns, but also through supporting community initiatives that enable communities to cope with negative impacts of climate change induced weather variables like droughts and floods.

The private sector and financial intermediaries, however, have had little interest to develop specialised support services and products for nomadic pastoralists, owing to perceived minimal return on investments.

Livestock has the highest potential for reducing poverty, creating employment and contributing to economic growth. That Kenyans eat the most meat in East Africa is indisputable. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a Kenyan consumes about 14 kilogrammes of meat every year; This is almost three times as much meat as a Rwandese.

In 2014, the Global Forum on Agricultural Research declared Kenya “a meat deficit country” due to its shortage of 4,500,000 kilogrammes of meat. I, therefore, challenge the private sector to develop innovative products, in collaboration with the pastoralists, which will transform the livestock sub-sector into a highly profitable commercial sector.

It is very clear from available data that improving market access and productivity for the livestock value chain players and strengthening husbandry and animal management are ways of addressing this. This can be achieved through co-management of livestock markets; enhanced capacity building and promotion of innovative fodder management; strengthening the traditional pastoralist institutions and mobilising pastoralists and value chain actors into unified units such as cooperatives and community groups.


The review of the 2012-2017 National Climate Change Action Plan is currently underway. It principally, focuses on climate change adaptation and mitigation. I note with concern that there was inadequate involvement of pastoralists in the development of this Plan.

This oversight is recurring in the 2018-2022 version. Given the prominence of adaptation and mitigation programmes in the action plan, it is important that the voice of the marginalised communities is heard loudly. We therefore ask Civil Society organisations, led by those present here today, to ensure that we are able to consolidate our voice as pastoralists and effectively engage with this important process that is scheduled to end in May 2018.

The Kenya Pastoralists Week 2018 would not have been successful without the support and contribution of many individuals and institutions. The County Government of Kajiado, being the host, took the lead in planning for this event with the other stakeholders and partners. I particularly note that this is the first ever Kenya Pastoralists Week, in the last 15 years, that has been planned jointly between government and civil society. We take pride as Kajiado for taking this lead.

I am also informed that this being the case, this is the best ever Kenya Pastoralists Week event. However, this would not have been possible without the invaluable contribution of the Centre for Minority Rights Development (Cemiride), which has, for several years now, worked to provide pastoralists with this platform.

I also recognise the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV), the Asal Stakeholders Forum (ASF) and Tata Chemicals for their sponsorship of the Kajiado edition.

All the exhibitors and other partners are also duly recognised. I would like to thank all those who took time out of their busy schedules duties and selflessly provided ideas and skills to ensure that this event succeeded.

With these remarks, I would like to declare the Kenya Pastoralists Week (2018) officially open.

God Bless You all. Karibuni Kajiado.

(from left)Trade Chief Officer Grace Sekento,County Commissioner David Kipkemei ,County boss H.E Joseph Lenku, Kajiado Senator Phillip Mpaayei, Garisa Governor Ali Korane and Deputy Governor Martin Moshisho going through the cultural exhibition stand during the past Kenya Pastoralists week held at MTTI,Kajiado.

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17 Apr
By: CGK 0


Following fruitful discussions with sand harvesting and stakeholders we have today lifted the ban on sand harvesting in Kajiado County.
This is after we came to an understanding on strict guidelines on their operations that will be subject to review in the next 3 months.
This follows weeks of meetings discussing how best we can streamline the industry.
We have agreed that;
1. No trucks will be allowed to overload.
2. All loaders should display authentic stickers on their trucks.
3. There will be no dumping of sand along the roads.
4. All sand loaders should acquire NHIF Cards and be members of registered SACCOs.
The County Government of Kajiado will work hand in hand with the National Government through the offices of the County Commissioner to ensure that all these regulations are adhered to for the benefit of the sand harvesters and the surrounding communities.

H.E the Deputy Governor Martin Moshisho,County Officials,stakeholders and sand harvesters having a joined meeting on sand harvesting menace.

County News

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17 Apr
By: CGK 0


Congratulations to Kajiado’s Hellen Obiri on winning the 5000m Women’s Race .The Gold Medalists clocked 15:13.11 in her 1st ever Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast.

She is a resident of Ngong where there are many other athletes from the same area.

The altitude in Ngong and its environs has remained favorable to both local and international athletes who come to train here.

We are in the process of Making a training camp for all our athletes at Ngong to encourage more of our youth to participate in this sport.

County News


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