Month: February 2018

06 Feb
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The upcoming Kajiado Public Technical University will partner with the Maasai Technical Training Institute (MTTI) to offer youth with skills that will fill the gaps experienced in the economy.

Governor Joseph Ole Lenku announced the new move after holding a joint meeting with the Institute’s top management and members of the new university’s task force.

Last month, Governor Lenku appointed a task force to oversee the establishment of the university and is chaired by Prof Solomon Mpoke.

Mr. Lenku’s courtesy call to the institution’s management led by Board of Management   Chairman Joshua Polong and the Principal Mr. Wesley Yegon, is an indicator that the establishment of the University is in top gear.” We have introduced the idea to MTTI with a view to begin a robust collaboration,” said Mr. Lenku.

The Governor said the University will focus on technical training which will fill the skills gap in the county. “This is a flagship project in my manifesto. I will ensure it gets my full support and that of the national government,” said Mr. Lenku. He added that a public University will spur economic development in the county. Our people are thirsty for education which is key to success.

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