Month: April 2017

07 Apr
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H.E Dr.Nkedianye with other leaders at the maji award

As the drought continue to hit many parts of Kajiado county many residents feel the need to manage rain water in the near citing the current water shortage to poor management methods.

During the Kajiado Maji awards at shed hotel Kajiado north, among the many problems highlighted during the participants was about water sensitization in the county.

The ministry of water led by the CECM Jeremiah Nairowua and chief officer Florence Waiganjo said sensitization among the residents will help minimize wastage of the precious commodity. Most residents in the region are struggling to get water and sometimes they are forced to travel for long distance with their animals but the ministry will now train them on how harvest water.

Kajiado governor Dr David Nkedianye said his government has tried a lot to improve the water availability to the residents. “We have used over 659 million on water projects; we have built over 80 boreholes and rehabilitated 47 because our people have been suffering. We need big dams like the one in Kiserian  to be built in Kitengela, Loodokilani, Ewaso, Kajiado South and may parts of the county but it’s a challenge because it takes a lot of money but in few years to come we will be able built them.” Said Nkedianye

The county minister in charge of water Jeremiah Nairowua added that as a ministry they plan to introduce water management boards to water providers in the county.“ There are plan to elect a water management board in all sub counties because there has been a lot of mismanagement in water companies and a lot  fund embezzlement  in this companies. We want also committees to be responsible and use the money collected well.” Said Nairowua

The chief officer Florence Waiganjo thanked the stakeholders for the support to ensure Kajiado residents get enough water.

maasai women quench their thirst in ewaso primary school in Ewaso

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07 Apr
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Governor Nkedianye with olkeri MCA Onesmus Nkokoyo

Arap Moi primary School in Nkoroi, Olkeri ward has got every reason to smile after they received 40 desks and 400 pairs of shoes for the needy pupils from the governor Dr David Nkedianye.
Speaking when receiving 40 desks and 400 pair of shoes for the needy pupils, the school chairman said they have locked out politics in the school to ensure the success of the school.
The school is among the most populated with over 1,900 pupils and has been among the best in the zone, a sign that the school has been doing well. He further lauded the county government for the employment of five ECDE teachers,
Area MCA Nkokoyo lauded the county government for the support they have shown to the school,
using the platform to highlight the achievements of his ward and urged them to unite for the success of the school.
Kajiado governor Dr David Nkedianye said he is working hard to improve education in public schools.
” Here is where the next governor, MCA, pilot, doctors and many others will come from. The school is accommodating a lot of children and we are trying to help improve performance by providing classes, desks for them.” said Nkedianye
He also brought 400 pairs of shoes for the needy children in the school.

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03 Apr
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(On the left)former minister of roads Eng. James Kamau having a hand shake with H.E the Governor during the MUA ground breaking

Management University of Africa will soon open a university at kisaju Kajiado County after the Governor Dr David Nkedianye officiated its ground breaking together with the chairman of the board of trustee former minister of road Eng. James Kamau

The university will offer different courses like bachelor of management and leadership, development studies, commerce, doctor of philosophy in business and leadership, master of management and leadership, master of business administration among other courses.

The governor speaking during the launch said this is a chance for Kajiado youth to benefit from and improve their education.

“Our people will not be going to Nairobi for classes again and hope a lot of our people will benefit. University education is key to our county growth and Kajiado is among the most concentrated with Tertiary institutions.  I challenge our young people to take these opportunities and learn as much as they can.”

He added that the university will improve the economy of the area and Kajiado county at large.

“When the hostels are completed we will have a youthful population here and the economy of our county will grow and the youth will fill the market.”

The chairman of the board of trustees Eng. Michael Kamau said they are in Kajiado to offer the best education.” The university will accommodate 600 students in hostels and our lecture rooms can occupy 2000 students. We urge the locals to take this opportunity to get employment study here. The construction is under P.P.P and it will cost 150 million and our first intake will be in May 2018.” Said Kamau

He added that they will give 10 scholarships to bright and needy students of Kajiado County.

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