Month: February 2017

28 Feb
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H.E the Governor Nkedianye during the visit to Musenke water pipeline project

Musenke is among the driest and thirst part of Kajiado county where  water is a major problem.

Among the first projects to be done by the county government was the Ewaso Nyiro – Musenke water pipeline project in 2014 to quench the thirst of the residents who used to travel long distances to reach the  water catchment areas

The water project will supply water to Musenke primary school, Musenke dispensary and the market place.

Kajiado governor together with area MCA Peter Pariken toured the area to access the water project.

The Governor speaking to the residents said, “This project is instrumental in supporting the people of musenke who for a long time have stayed without water and in 2014 we did this project and it has made a big impact simply because water has now been piped to the school, market and dispensary.”

Ntoyian ole Kotikash the chairman of the water project said the project has been of help.

He added that there have been challenges at the project due to the flooding of Ewaso -Nyiro River due to rains in the highlands affecting water supply to the borehole due to siltation.

The governor also gave out two drums of diesel to be used to pump water to the community.

(left)H.E the Governor with chairman of the water project Nkoyian Ole Kotikash

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22 Feb
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Hon. Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Members of County Assembly, County Government Officials, Invited Guests, Members of the Public, Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is my pleasure and honor, once again to preside over the commencement of yet another session of the County Assembly, a session like no other: the 5th and  last of the first five years of Devolution. This house has been the engine and the very foundation of devolution. Five years of leading and learning, five years of unprecedented service delivery, five years of passing integral laws, five years of setting the pace and establishing structures and institutions to deliver the devolution mandate under the new constitutional dispensation.

We have all walked this journey, but if you remember well, it has been on this very floor that you have passed laws and budgets, questioned and regulated the county government, determined and set the pace for the development in Kajiado County, overseen public expenditure, and raised pertinent public issues. You have diligently worked, with and checked my government, and to this end, I congratulate you, even as you commence the final phase of this journey.

This last session which is about to begin, is full of challenges and opportunities. Challenges in the sense of service delivery and quality of legislation’s you pass as well as opportunities to cement your legacy as the first legislative house of this county, a legacy to be remembered and emulated. It is time to finish and finish smart. I have no doubt whatsoever that you will do your part and do it perfectly. This challenge, Honorable members, should be in our priority even as the country goes into an electioneering period. The citizens still look up to this house for equity, fairness, justice, development, leadership, and a great legacy that is guided by wisdom. Let us remain steadfast in passing, as quickly and reasonably as possible, all the pending and proposed bills, laws that will guarantee development and ensure equity and equality.

Honorable Members, serve our people well and make your profound legacy stamp a firm foundation today and in future, with these forward-thinking laws. I know you can because you already demonstrated so.


Honorable members, for the remaining time with me as your Governor, it is imperative that we stick together until the residents of Kajiado decide to deal with each one of us individually on the 8th of August, 2017. As you all know, the campaign mood is setting in. We are being asked about what we delivered. It is obvious that together we have achieved a lot. Be firm in enumerating our achievements, otherwise, you will all be collectively condemned for having failed the people by delivering little and passing unimportant bills, we have the ability to prove we have achieved.


For us to forge ahead, let us reflect on our achievements so far. Honorable Members, we have done big things. One of the recent biggest steps we have made, as a county, is the signing of the Anti-corruption Action Plan during the recently concluded International Anti- Corruption day. As we are all aware, corruption is a vice that not only hampers progress and development but also erodes public trust if elected officials are unable to curtail it. This recent commitment was quite timely.

We also commissioned and launched the county logo and coat of arms, which distinguishes us as a county of diversity, promise and development, a county of the brave and the bold.


In matters education, we have built, equipped and staffed over 380 ECDE Classrooms across all our sub-counties. In realizing our objective to uplift the living standards, we have established that education is the cornerstone. And this education starts at the basic level: the nurseries and kindergartens.


My government has invested heavily in early childhood education for this county’s children to start their educational journey and start well and to be at par with the very best in this country. We have gone further to finance the building of classrooms and other learning facilities in numerous primary and secondary schools. We currently sponsor hundreds of deserving students in primary and secondary school levels through bursaries and educational grants. To stamp our commitment in developing the human resource capacity in our esteemed county, my government, together with its partners, is expanding and equipping our polytechnics and other vocational training institutions.


Honorable Members, we have done and achieved a lot in the health sector. In as much as we currently have the doctors’ strike, it is not lost on us how critical the health of the people of Kajiado is and how much it is a right and a role of the county government. With this realization in mind, my government has committed the largest chunk of its annual budget to the health sector. We have built and expanded hospitals. We have more than doubled the bed capacities in most of the hospitals. We have also streamlined the acquisition and distribution of medical supplies and drugs. We continue to engage fruitfully with the national government on the Medical Equipment and other programs. We shall continue to deliver on health care and work with all stakeholders to have a healthy Kajiado County.


Some of our flagship projects are the construction of the library and the Ngong stadium among others. These projects will go a long way in improving adult education and nurturing sporting and athletic talents of our young people respectively. The projects are ongoing, and I want to ask for your continued support until their completion.

We also have the sensitive issue of land. As we are all aware, land transactions have been infiltrated by corrupt cartels.


As a response, my government has made strides in reducing corruption in the land sector. Our public land registry is now a lot more organized and cleaned up. We have digitized all the plots entries. I want to request this house to keenly seal all the loopholes in the existing land laws to help us stamp out this vice once and for all.


Another outstanding step we have made is the construction of markets in all major towns within the county. These markets will not only ensure safety for people and goods but also support the local economy while attracting business to our county and ensuring that we stay competitive. We will soon open the now completed bus park in Kitengela town; we shall decongest the town, and ensure improved flow of traffic. We are also improving roads in our urban as well as rural areas.


My government has and will continue to spearhead the fight against FGM and early childhood marriages, which have in the past denied our children their inalienable rights to education and personal choice. This house has been part and parcel of the fight, and I want to urge you to stand with us in this long journey. Our children deserve the best and we must always stand for them.


To ensure that we complete all the initiated projects, we have ope-rationalized project implementation committees that are already assessing all projects for purposes of fair payment and speedy completion. This is also a requirement in the PFM Act.


Hon. Members, as we commence this last session, let us keep our objectives in sight. Let us deliver as we have done in the past. Let us join in one accord and lay a firm foundation for our great county. We are in a unique juncture to prove that devolution is indeed a great step for this country and that joint governance is a reality. The people look upon us. Let us lift them up with the powers they vested upon us. Mr. Speaker, I thank you for this opportunity through your dedicated leadership. Let us join hands to increase efficiency in this God given last lap.


Thank you very much and may God bless all our people.


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22 Feb
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(Second from right)H.E the governor D.r Nkedianye seated with PBSS school board members during the thanksgiving ceremony at Olkejuado High School.

It was a thanksgivings ceremony full of joy and excitement at Olkejuado Primary Boys Boarding School. This comes after recommendable results of last year [KCPE] Kenya Certificate of Primary Education.

Last year, the school posted the highest mean grade ever since the school begun. They attained a mean of 320.5 compared to 2015 of a mean score of 309. Addressing the crowd during a thanksgivings ceremony, the contented headmaster Mr. Kayecha reported that 16 pupils produced A’s that enabled them to join national schools. He was highlighting the results at the occasion graced by the County Boss H.E David Nkedianye.

Kajiado Governor Dr. David Nkedianye noted that these milestones could not have been achieved without hard work of teachers and pupils. He further thanked the teachers who did such a marvelous work to see the success of the pupils whom need to be recognized. He further acknowledged the team as exceptional, exemplary and tremendous for the work done.

He promised two classrooms to be constructed by his government to reduce the congestion in classrooms so that the pupils may have a conducive environment for learning.


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22 Feb
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(on the left)CECM for ICT, Gender and Social Services Hon. Richard Parsitau and Dr.Messo Watson(on the right) from Ken chic company having a look at the one day old chicks

A long discussion of social responsibility that the company owns the people of Kenya farmers in particular had reached to a conclusion when they handed over a poultry house and gave out 1000-one day old chicks to Athi River Prisoners Women Group in Kitengela, Oloosirikon and Sholinke ward in Kajiado East.

Speaking during the delivery of the chicks Dr.Messo Watson Ken chic company vet said the chicks will help the group to start poultry production as well as sustain their own lively hood and supply of eggs to the region. The doctor noted that this was not the first group to help since they have also issued to the disabled groups and to the orphan’s in some parts of the country.

CECM for ICT, Gender and Social Services Hon. Richard Parsitau acknowledged the project by assuring the team present that sooner or later the county government will sign an M.O.U with Ken chic company for the benefit of the community.

The Minister further outlined the technical support and advice ken chic have given to the group’s inconjuction with the county government office from the ministry of gender and livestock. Articulating the support ken chic has shown in supporting the women group.

The project will progress soon in Oloolua before heading to Kajiado Central to support Revelation 15 Company Limited.


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