Month: February 2016

29 Feb
By: CGK 0



Kajiado County Deputy Governor Hon Paul Ntiati flags off the safari rally in kajiado town

Kajiado County Deputy Governor Hon Paul Ntiati flags off the safari rally in kajiado town.

Deputy Governor Paul Ntiati graced 1st round of  Kenya National Rally Championship at KCB ground before the awards that took place at AIC Girls primary.Deputy accompanied  with Kajiado County sport chief officer Mr James  Sankale and Education Minister Hon. Nairowua  they appreciated the motor sport club for returning to kajiado County for the rally. assuring  the motor sport club fully support from county government where they need in order for them to achieved their dreams.


Finland’s   Tapio Laukakanen and co Driver  Pasi Torma  driving a Subaru
Impreza GVB13 won the 1st round of the Kenya National rally
championship dubbed Kajiado KCB safari rally in a time of 1 Hour 17 minutes
and 42 seconds to emerge the winner in the race early .

Tapio won  3 out of 4 stages  of the of the Kajiado KCB rally merging
winner in the 1,2nd and 4th stages of the rally.

Uganda’s Jas Mangaat won the 3rd km stage of the rally.

Kenya’s Ian Duncan driving a Mitsubishi evolution 10 came in second
managing a time of 1 Hour 19 minutes and 20 seconds. In third place was
Jaspreet   Chattehe and Co Driver Gurdeed  Panesar also in a Mitsubishi
Evolution 10  who managed a time of 1 hour 19 minutes and 59 seconds.

This is the 1st leg of the Kenya National Championship with KCB being the
main sponsor of the event to a tune of 45 million shillings. Other sponsors
are liquid telecom and a host of other companies that have sponsored
individual teams.

The next leg of the rally will be the KCB safari rally, Nanyuki rally and
the Kisumu, Guru Nanak rally and Mombasa that will complete the set of
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29 Feb
By: CGK 0


H.E The G overnor presents a trophy ton the school during a thanksgiving ceremony.

H.E The G overnor presents a trophy to the school during the thanksgiving ceremony.

The Governor of Kajiado county Dr.David Nkedianye joined residents of Purko ward Kajiado Central to celebrate the triumphant results from Enkaroni Primary School with a plus mean score of 37. In 2014 they had a mean of 219 shooting in  2015 to 256.74 which  was the best improved school in the area. Nkedianye accompanied by Education CECM Hon.Nairowua, Finance CECM Hon. Keswe Mapena, Area MCA Hon. Kipaika, Ward administrators applaud the work done.


Speaking during the occasion the county boss congratulated the 47 candidates who sat for the exam, 27 were boys and 20 were girls. Five pupils got 300 marks and above, four of them were boys and one was a girl while 26 pupils had 250 marks. “We still have a long journey to go if 26 out of 47 had good marks” Said Nkedianye


Nkedienye articulated teachers, parents and different stakeholders to embrace unity to better education standard in the area. Urging them to aim higher to a mean score of 300 an above.  He guaranteed them that every registered school will be given teachers by the government.  “I guarantee you that every registered school will be counted for a teacher’s vacancy” said the Governor.

Warning them sharply on destroying the forest and selling of lands that leave many homeless and area as desert land. He said he had begun the fight long ago and all he can do for now is to proceed ahead to stop the syndicate of lands selling.

Nkedienye voiced to residents to register as voters in large numbers and challenged parents to ensure their children who have attained 18years have participated in the ongoing Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission [IEBC].

Area MCA Hon. Kipaika lauded the results and urged the community to unite and avoid any political differences to help their children achieve their goals. He added that teachers should aim higher to improved more.

Education minister hon. Jeremiah Nairowua highlighted the ongoing projects of ECDE class as a good step and urge parents to fetch their children to school for a better future.

Alex Saleh who isnEnkaroni primary school head teacher was delighted with the results and cherished the team which worked hard to ensure the laudable job was done. He called more on cooperation from all stakeholders adding  that two of his pupils had been taken by fly of wings. Saleh said the first pupil had 346 marks compare to last year 306.

Nkaru one of the parent said they are very excited with results and asked the county government to support where they can to improved more.


school pupils performing a traditional song during the day.

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16 Feb
By: CGK 0



one of the fire fighting Engines being commissioned by The duoty Gover Paul Ntiati with Senator Peter Mositet

one of the fire fighting Engines being commissioned by The deputy Governor Paul Ntiati with Senator Peter Mositet.

It’s a big sign of relief as Kajiado residents benefit with four fire engines from National and county government after years of public hue and cry and numerous fire outbreaks that have rendered many homeless upon big losses.

The fire engines launched yesterday at Ngong stadium were purchased at ksh 80M each for the two 10,000L engine and ksh 40M for the 5,000L engine respectively.

The county government has bought a fourth one and three more expected next week.

The engines were supplied by the National government through Nairobi Metropolitan Department.

Members of public in debrief watched from a distance as fire fighters show cased their prowess on tackling fire outbreak.

The more than 36 men and women have undergone a rigorous training on fire fighting in the past two months. Each truck has 12 officers working around the clock.

In the recent past Kajiado county government has been faulted over incapability to put out fire as they had no operating fire engine. They have been depending on Mavoko and Nairobi fire engines.

Kajiado residents are optimistic the fire fighters shall be able to respond to fire outbreak incidents promptly.

“it’s a sign of relief for us, many have been reduced to beggars by fire and we now hope this shall be a thing of the past’’ said Mary Kimelel a resident  of Ngong town.

Kajiado senator Peter Mositet said Kajiado residents have suffered enough from fire incidents challenging the county government to serve the residents well and take care of machines.

“it has been a long wait but finally we have received modern fire fighters that should give residents good and prompt services’’ Said Peter Mositet

Deputy Governor Paul Ntiati lauded the national and county government unity in ensuring locals benefit. Ntiati also urged Kajiado residents to ensure they have fire extinguishers in their homes and business premises.

“The county government has established a fire department and it’s important the two levels of government are working for a common goals. It’s the responsibility of each resident to play part in the fight against fire by having a fire extinguisher in their respective homes and business premises” said Ntiati

The three fire engines shall be stationed at Ngong, Kajiado and Oloitokitok towns respectively and expected by the end of the month each of the five sub county shall have at least fire engine.

Deputy Governor Paul Ntiati looking on at the fire Engine that was ready for commissioning

Deputy Governor Paul Ntiati looking on at the fire Engine that was ready for commissioning.


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16 Feb
By: CGK 0



The county fiscal strategy paper 2016 is available for perusal via downloads/news and publications.

The county fiscal strategy paper 2016 is available for perusal via downloads/news and publications.

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15 Feb
By: CGK 0


H.E The Governor of Kajiado County Dr David Nkedianye  addressing the members of the county assembly when they resumed duty after the long break.

H.E The Governor of Kajiado County Dr David Nkedianye addressing the Members of the County Assembly when they resumed duty after the long break.

Kajiado County Assembly Speaker Johnson Osoi welcomed members of the County Assembly to their duties after along holiday. Speaking during the occasion, he urged the parties to cooperate to accomplish the goals they had set for the county.

County boss Dr Nkedianye summarized several achievements by his county since his reign in power. He read before the Assembly after resuming.

Nkedianye in accompanied by his deputy Hon. Paul Ntiati, said Ksh 400m has been allocated to develop markets across the county.

“We have committed over 400m last year to develop markets in Oloitokitok, Kimana, Isinya, Kiserian, Ngong, Matasia, Namanga and many other areas. This projects are already in progress. ” Said Nkedianye

On roads and public works the Dr. Nkedianye said on roads 400m has been allocated to fully rehabilitate them, saying his government recently hired 15 more technical staffs in the roads sector.

“We are expanding and improving existing roads networks in the urban and rural areas and we have tarmacked several roads to improve accessibility to needy places like government facilities and we have started constructing bus parking bays in Kitengela which is almost completed and in Ngong which is in progress. We are doing this to ease the traffic jam in our towns.” Noted the governor.

Considering water issues Nkedianye said during the last drought, many places were affected especially Kajiado west and south. We want to request more allocation of resources in this year’s budget to avoid water crisis in the future as well as planning to build better dams for water storage.

On agriculture sector the governor said, vaccination against rift valley fever and blue tongue and quarantine has been taking place in varies places.








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10 Feb
By: CGK 0


a local of nkiitu village in matapato north having a taste of the rare commodity as the governor looks on when he opened the borehole in the area

a local of nkiitu village in matapato north having a taste of the rare commodity as the governor looks on when he opened the borehole in the area.

More than 600 households have benefited with domestic water from a borehole dug and equipped by the county government to curb perennial water problem for long.

Nkiitu village, Matapato North residents in kajiado central have gotten a reprieve and long trekking for rare commodities coming to an end.

This is after the county government of kajiado under emergency fund digging up a borehole and equipped it with a modern diesel powered generator capable to pump 0.5M liters of water in a day.

The ksh 2M project shall supply the residents with water for domestic use and for their livestock. Pipes have been connected to nearby water troughs capable of catering for more than 1,000 cattle’s in a day.

Locals lauded the project saying they have suffered for so long in search of water. They claim to have been trekking for more than 20km endangering their lives in the dry terrains.

‘’we always wake up by dawn in search of water and most of the  times we trek home with our empty jerricans devastated for years, said  esther nkanui

Residents have no water harvesting plans that they serve both in rainy and dry seasons.

“it’s a God sent miracle for the residents and their livestock after long time waiting’’ said herdsman Joshua lesile

Kajiado county governor David Nkedianye said the project shall ease the locals suffering.

Nkedianye added that in future the county government has plans to develop rainy water harvesting mechanism as the usual water pans locally known as silanke have been effective.

“water shortage has been a thorny issue in different regions of kajiado county but my administration has put aside a substantial amount of money to ensure each ward has a powered communal borehole by 2017’’ said Nkedianye

He challenged locals to take care of the water projects.

In the last financial year the county government sunk more than 100 boreholes and revived more than  20 stalled water projects

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H.E The governor sips  water from the borehole

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10 Feb
By: CGK 0


Kajiado county governor has denied public hospitals in the county are experiencing drugs and doctors shortage leaving patients suffering in hospitals.

Contrary to kajiado assembly health committee observation saying most county hospitals are wanting, county boss maintain his government is on top of the situation.

In a wake of cholera outbreak in several parts in the county, the assembly health committees have been visiting public hospitals in the last one week assessing service delivery.

At kitengela sub county hospital the eight members committee were met by long lines of     patients waiting.

In wards the patients claimed to be poorly attended.

Most admitted patients expressed their concern on service delivery.

They claimed there few doctors who attend to them making some miss drugs.

‘’doctors are few to attend us and sometime we are told to buy drugs from nearby private chemists making as to suffer as we wallow in poverty’’ said Nancy Njoki

Admitted patient’s claim the hygiene has been wanting and food to patients too little making them to suffer.

‘’The service we get are delayed and the hospital hygiene ought to be improved ‘said Martha muba,a patients

Patients have no mosquito nets.

The committee vice chair Daniel Kanchori says essential services are poor in the hospital faulting it management and county government. He calls for speedy action to rescue the situation.

‘’the county government has to improve the service delivery and ease the suffering of patients who can’t afford private hospital’’ said MCA Daniel kanchori

The same sentiments were echoed by committee members in a wake when the county is struggling with outbreak of cholera in most parts of the county.


However Kajiado governor in a rejoinder dismiss the health committee observation saying his government have enough drugs and has employed enough doctors in the last one month.

“ lets us not play politics with our peoples health, we have enough drugs in our store and a steady supply of the same to ensure Kajiado residents get necessary medical attention’’ said Nkedianye

Nkedianye says his government has allocated ksh1.4B to health sector this financial year and have already employed 160 extra doctors two months ago.


He say congestion of patients is as a result of improved services in public hospitals.


“People are now seeking medical services in public hospital unlike before and that is a positive achievement’’ retorted Nkedianye


Nkedianye says his team is working around the clock to ensure better medical services to all in the entire county.

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10 Feb
By: CGK 0


The Deputy Governor Hon Paul Ntiati during the cattle auctioning held  in kajiado demonstration farm

The Deputy Governor Hon Paul Ntiati at the backgroung when he led cattle auctioning at kajiado demonstration farm

Pastoralists in Kajiado have been urged to adopt the skillfulness of grass preservation to help reduce the intense draught effects the community has faced in previous years.

According the County Department of Agriculture, Overgrazing is the major challenge leading to loss of grass, hence drought in the area. Traditions terming overgrazing as a sign of wealth have also been said to contribute to rearing of poor quality breeds.

Speaking at a cattle public auction held at the Kajiado Demonstration farm yesterday, Deputy Governor Paul Ntiati, urged the pastoralist to adopt the grass harvesting and preservation technic during this rainy season to enable them save for drier months ahead.

Ntiati also urged the pastoralist to adopt zero-grazing and on improving their breeds saying this type of grazing has less negative effect on land and are easy to manage. The Deputy added that the main reason for caring out the cattle auction is to enable the pastoralist to acquire better breeds for cross breeding.

The County Executive Committee Member (CECM) Agriculture and Livestock Mr. Jonah Orumoi said the cattle auctioned included 18 bulls and 3 cows, all at rates between Ksh 80,000 to Ksh120,000, all being a Parkistanian breed courtesy of the national government.

Mr. Orumoi also urged the pastoralist to have their animals vaccinated during this rainy period to protect them from major breakouts like bluetongue, foot and mouth among others.

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10 Feb
By: CGK 0



school girls match in  sajiloni Kajiado County, as residents joined the world to celebrate International Day Tolerance to female Genital Mutilation.

school girls match in sajiloni Kajiado County, as residents joined the world to celebrate International Day Tolerance to female Genital Mutilation.

Residents of sajiloni Kajiado County joined the world to celebrate International Day Tolerance to female Genital Mutilation in collaboration with KACCSNET, Ministry of ICT Gender and Citizen Participation to sensitize the community on FGM. Female genital mutilation comprises all procedures that involves altering or injuring the female genitalia for non-medical reasons and is recognize internally as a violation of the human rights of girls and women. Speaking during the occasion Assistant County Commissioner Madam Roselyn Manuva condemned the act saying it will lead to death. She added that several cases had been reported on school drop outs due to FGM, according to a survey in  2014-2015 73% of Maasai community were still practicing it.


Madam Esther Shena a Gender Manager at the county government,backing strappingly on fighting FGM Urged the community to stop the cut since it had contributed a lot of poor performance in the schools. She added that it add no value to female “We have to leave the old days of our grandparents.’’


John Mwangi an officer in the children office said, after every five months cases are reported on FGM in their office. He propose that those who are still undertaking it should be arrested and more awareness done to the community.


Bissil primary school deputy headmistress Lucy also condemned the practice saying it is affecting the lives of young girls hence leading to high rate of drop out in school. Giving illustrations in Bissil  primary where an 8 years old girl was censored and got marriage. She urge the community to embrace education to better their lives.


Village elders gave a standing ovation to the stakeholders for the  marvelous work their are doing to save the life’s of the girl child.

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03 Feb
By: CGK 0


Deputy Governor Paul Ntiati with Kajiado south MP Katoo ole Metito  at Olgirra Primary school after launching two classrooms constructed by the county government.

Deputy Governor Paul Ntiati with Kajiado south MP Katoo ole Metito at Olgirra Primary school after launching two classrooms constructed by the county government.

Parents at Olgirra,Kajiado South sub-county, have been urged to abandon all inadequate traditions leading to the abandonment of school by their children. Moranism being the leading cause of school dropouts in the area according to the school administration has lead not only to a decrease in number of male pupils in upper primary,but poor performance in National Examinations too.

Speaking at Olgirra Primary school after launching two classrooms constructed by the county government, Kajiado County Deputy Governor, Paul Ntiati said it is very unfortunate that pupils are leaving school for such traditions. The Deputy Governor urged the parents and pupils to embrace education saying real moranism is found in education and in good performance.

Ntiati also said the county government has so far constructed over 200 classrooms across the county and urged the parents to make use of the modern facilities being put in place by the county government. The Deputy Governor said their government is determined to kick out illiteracy in the county.

Olgirra head teacher Mrs. Magdalene Mbae said some of the male pupils drop out on reaching class seven to become Morans. Mbae added that upon follow ups on the students and attempts to bring them back to school most end up performing badly in exams.

Speaking at the same function Kajiado South Mp Katoo Ole Metito urged the pupils and teachers to put in more effort saying it is unfortunate some high schools in the area cannot take  from primary schools they share a compound due to poor performance.

The County Executive Committee Member -Education Richard Parsitau also speaking during the launch said the county government has also put up polytechnics to create opportunities for people to acquire skill that encourage self-employment.

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