Month: November 2015

18 Nov
By: CGK 0


H.E The Governor with Ildamat MCA Hon Mutunkei listens to both Purko and Matapato views on the boundary row, he promised to solve the issue.

H.E The Governor Dr David Nkedianye with Ildamat MCA Hon Mutunkei listens to both Purko and Matapato views on the boundary dispute, he promised to solve the issue.

Tension is high between Purko and Matapato section over a 6.3km stretch of land in Enkaroni with Maika family claiming ownership.

The dispute that has existed even since 1976 has never found a lasting solution even after a magistrate judge came to the ground in 1983.

Addressing the concerned parties, the Governor Dr. David Nkedianye accompanied  by MCAs, deputy county commissioner and other county officials toured the area and walked along the disputed area with the surveyors taking points and marking all the bicons along the way.

Dr. Nkedianye argued the residents to maintain peace.

“Let’s live together in harmony as we work hard to find a lasting solution. The surveyors will examine the findings in their report and on Tuesdays next week they will examine the findings and on Tuesday next week they will draw the correct map of the area.” Said the governor

He added that both sides will be represented and a date will be set to solve the matter. boundary disputes in Kajiado County are high but the county government has promise to solve the issues.

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18 Nov
By: CGK 0


Speaking during a courtesy call by the CEO of NLC Tom Aziz Chavangii

H.E The Governor Dr David Nkedianye with  NLC CEO Tom Aziz Chavangii when he paid a courtsey call to his office, looking on is lands CECM Ali Letura

Kajiado Governor Dr. David Nkedianye has called on the National Land Commission (NLC) to ensure due process is followed in acquiring lease title in the county.

Speaking during a courtesy call by the CEO of NLC Tom Aziz Chavangii and other lands officials at the county headquarter; Dr. Nkedianye said right procedure should be followed.

“There is a due process that somebody needs to go through but some people just go to Nairobi and they get the lease titles. We are very concern because that is a bad trend and we will not allow that to happen in Kajiado county.” said Nkedianye

He added that the county government wants to increase transparency so that everybody feel the right procedure is being followed.

“We don’t want shortcuts because just that you can influence anyone with money or any other favors to process your title.” Added Nkedianye

On his part Tom Chavangi said the national government will work closely with the county government to improve the trust of the local residents to the county land board.

“We from the nation al government will work closely with the county government to ensure that everybody follow the correct procedure. We want the county land board to build the trust of the residents.” Chavangi said.

Mr. Chavangi asked  the county board members to work as a team for the sake of the residents of Kajiado county.






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10 Nov
By: CGK 0



H.E The Governor Dr David Nkedianye, CECM'S ,members of the public seervice board,area MCA and the medical staffeds employed pose for a photo

H.E The Governor Dr David Nkedianye(middle), CECM’S ,members of the public seervice board,area MCA and the medical staffs employed pose for a photo after being received to the county officially.

The County Government through the ministry of health and the public service board has employed 167 new medical staff who will be deployed across the county.

The new medical recruits will ease the burden in the health sector which has had a lot of complains from wananchi on the unavailability of doctors when they go to the health centres.

Speaking when receiving the new employees, the governor Dr. David Nkedianye said the new recruits will ease and improve the services offered to wananchi.

“Today we are here to welcome and commission more than 160 new staff in the health sector, we also have 77 staff from ESP and our medical clinics have been going through a difficult time due to lack of personnel.” Said Nkedianye

He added that the county government is spending a lot in the health sector especially on salaries.

“In the health sector we have been spending 650 million a year on salaries and now it will increase to 823 million annually. We want our people to get better services in every single part of this county.” Added the governor

Dr. Nkedianye added that every ward is going to benefit from the new recruit and that the community need to receive them well.

The county government also employed 12 instructors for the polytechnic across the county who will help provide the required skills to the students joining the institutions.

The governor later wish the class eight pupils the best of luck as they do their KCPE exams.

some of the medical employees employed by the county government.

some of the medical employees employed by the county government.

The Governor addresses the medical recruits.

The Governor addresses the medical recruits.


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09 Nov
By: CGK 0


Dr. David Nkedianye yesterday opened two water projects in Endikir and Oltepesi in Mashuruu ward.

Dr. David Nkedianye launching two water projects in Endikir and Oltepesi in Mashuruu ward.

Dr. David Nkedianye yesterday opened two water projects in Endikir and Oltepesi in Mashuruu ward.

Endikir community water point was built by the county government to serve Endikir primary school and the local community who travel long distances to look for water.

The governor said his government is working hard to quench the thirst of the community.

“We are working hard to ensure our women and children don’t go for long distances to look for water, we want to build more water sources in future.” Said Nkedianye

The Governor later opened a new water pump at Oltepesi that will supply water to Oltepesi residents and their neighbours.

The governor was in accompany of area MCA Timothy Sayiore, CECM member of water and irrigation Joshua Majakusi and his director and other county officials.

Governor Nkedianye unveilswater a water project in mashuuru

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09 Nov
By: CGK 0


Wayiaki who hails from Limuru clocked a time of 1hr 40 min 20 seconds to win the 21 km race and walked with ksh.60, 000

George Wayiaki on the finish line where he clocked a time of 1hr 40 min 20 seconds to win the 21 km race of the second edition of the kajiado county half marathon and walked away with ksh.60,000 

George Wayiaki and Ruth Kimgetich are this year winners of the second edition Kajiado county half marathon held at KCB grounds Kajiado central.

Wayiaki who hails from Limuru clocked a time of 1hr 40 min 20 seconds to win the 21 km race and walked with ksh.60, 000. Amos Biwott was second with Hosea Nailon coming third.

A joyful wayiaki said it was due to the hard word in training and proper preparation that gave him the victory

“I have been training well for the race and I had done my preparation well and am very happy to have won the race. The weather was also friendly and it made easier for us to compete. I thank the county government of Kajiado for organizing such races because it will give the young talents the chance to complete against the national athletics and this boost their confident.” Said wayiaki

In the women marathon, Ruth Kimgetich was first coming with Joan Rotich coming in second.

The event brought together top athletics from around the county and nationally with many young athletics also contesting.

There was also the Paralympics races and the 3km run for the children and elderly.

The Governor, Dr. David Nkedianye said the events is a chance for the county athletics to showcase their talents.

“This county has a lot of promising talents. We are organizing this races so that our young athletics can also complete against the top athletics because this will boost their confident. We want to see more athletics from our county going internationally like Alex Sampao.” Said Nkedianye

On the Paralympics the governor said everybody is given a chance.

“We want to give everybody a chance because people with disability can also race and even to international competition too.” Said Dr. Nkedianye

Kajiado County has an amazing talent and with proper nurturing and training we will have many international athletics in years to come.

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09 Nov
By: CGK 0



The Governor of Kajiado County Dr. David Nkedianye yesterday opened a new dormitory at Mashuruu secondary school built by his government

The Governor of Kajiado County Dr. David Nkedianye yesterday when he opened a new dormitory at Mashuruu secondary school built by his government

The Governor of Kajiado County Dr. David Nkedianye yesterday opened a new dormitory at Mashuruu secondary school built by his government.

The school which has an enrollment of about 330 boys last year got a mean score of 4.5 and a new dormitory after a fire tragedy that burnt down another dorm.

The governor who was once the deputy of the school in 1999 told the students to aim higher in their studies.

“For better results to come from this school, you must maintain discipline and aim for the best. The ladder of success is not crowded up there. There is always room for everyone who works hard.” Said Nkedianye

The county boss said his government is allocating bursary funds to many students to ease the burden for the parents.

“We are allocating bursary to many students and during the last financial year we gave this school ksh.619, 000 to ease the burden for parents and the number of absentees in school because of school fees. “Said Nkedianye

The governor urged the students to get good grades that will take them to the top universities in the country like Nairobi, Kenyatta, Daystar and may other.

The school head teacher promised a mean score of 5 in this year final exams.

the dormitory built by the county government at mashuruu secondary school.

the dormitory built by the county government at mashuruu secondary school.

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05 Nov
By: CGK 0


When addressing a public meeting at olTinka, inKajiadoWest Sub County, Governor David Nkedianye said land matters are sensitive in the county characterized by hue and cry all over the county.When addressing a public meeting at olTinka, inKajiadoWest Sub County, Governor David Nkedianye said land matters are sensitive in the county characterized by hue and cry all over the county.

Dr David Nkedianye addressing a public meeting at OlTinka, in Kajiado West Sub County, disputing lands CS Fred Matiang,i saying land matters are sensitive in the county characterized by hue and cry all over the county.

A conflict is looming between National government land’s Ministry and Kajiado County government after the Cabinet Secretary trashed land transaction ban by the county government.

Last Friday when acting  lands CS Fred Matiang’i visited Kajiado land registry said categorically that land transactions were as usual pointing out no one has power to freeze or ban land transactions neither in Kajiado county or country wide.

Mating’i trashed an idea that the County government had suspended land transactions.

Kajiado county banned land transactions about two years ago purporting  massive corruption in land registry in Kajiado and Ngong towns.

Matiang’i was accompanied by his internal security counterpart Joseph Nkaissery, Kajiado senator Peter Mositet, women rep Mary Seneta and several MCAs

Now the County boss is breathing fire claiming Matiang’i is over stepping his boundaries on land matters contrary to constitution and spirit of devolution.

When addressing a public meeting at OlTinka, in KajiadoWest Sub County, Governor David Nkedianye said land matters are sensitive in the county characterized by hue and cry all over the county.

”Matiang’i should know his responsibilities that don’t include traversing the county issuing statements touching negatively the already aggrieved residents” said Nkedianye

Nkedianye say Matiang’i ought to tidy  up Kajiado land registry currently embroiled by corruption and ensure locals they won’t lose their lands green cards to unscrupulous land officers .he challenged CS to ensure local’s lands are not  being sold without their consent.

‘‘Let him clear the mess in land registry in Kajiado and Ngong. He should fire corrupt officers and ensure that  residents won’t lose their lands green cards any more” retorted governor

Nkedianye says the Constitution says both levels of government shall consult but CS can’t dictate directives. The Governor further says the land transactions ban still stand until the registry is in order with updated maps,digitized registry free of corruption.

The same sentiments were echoed by Maasai elder Joseph Simel saying the CS doesn’t respect institutions as outlined by the constitution. Simel says the CS utterances could promote corruption in land registry contrary to county government move to clear the mess.

”Matiang’i is an enemy of the constitution and spirit of devolution. He should respect institution as his utterances may be misinterpreted as support corruption in the land registry” said Simel

Kajiado county assembly deputy speaker George Sunkuiya urged the National government to consult widely with county government to protect the locals gold mine that remain to be land currently under threat.

The two stands from the two different levels of government open dozens ripples of confusion to the locals.

Kajiado residents have been up in arms over dubious deals associated with land registry where both communal and private lands are alleged to be interfered with by unscrupulous officials.

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05 Nov
By: CGK 0


Kajiado county scooped 2nd best stand in county categories during the magical Kenya expo held in leisure lodge beach resort in Kwale County

Kajiado county expo tents where county scooped 2nd best stand in county categories during the magical Kenya expo held in leisure lodge beach resort in Kwale County

Kajiado county scooped 2nd best stand in county categories during the magical Kenya expo held in leisure lodge beach resort in Kwale County

Magical Kenya travel expo is an annual event organized by Kenya tourism board with an aim to unite different tourism industry with an objective to promote domestic tourism in Kenya. (more…)

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