Month: August 2015

31 Aug
By: CGK 0


 The Governor and senator mositet sing with the youth during the event.

The Governor and senator mositet sing with the youth during the event.

Kajiado County Governor Dr. David Nkedianye on friday attended the prayers and blessing ceremony of Irkimayiana at Ewaso secondary school. The event was used to mark the erosion of some of the cultural practices like FGM, early marriages and other practices that brought together all the youth of Kajiado west constituency.

The governor urged the Irkimayiana to work hard in their studies.

“Work hard in your education because you are lucky your fathers are there to fight for you and the land of this great county. Education is the light, don’t worry about fees as many of us here have learnt through bursaries. Be bright and protect your community.” Said Dr Nkedianye

On the land saga, the governor said land is not for sale in Kajiado County.

“We have banned the sale of land in this county because we are looking at the young generation to have a place to call home in future.” Said the governor

To the Irkimayiana the county boss wish them the best in future to be able to protect their community.

The senator of Kajiado county honorable Peter Mositet who also graced the event, emphasized on the importance of land saying it’s a curse to sell it.

“It’s a curse to sell land and wananchi should forbid from selling. I thank the governor for banning the sale of land and we need to produce a list of shame of those who are selling land because they are letting us down.” Said Hon. Mositet

The CECM for roads and public works Dickson Ntikoisa said the youth must preserve their culture.

“We must preserve our culture like the Jews but we must stop some cultural practices that drag us backwards as a community. FGM should stop, early marriages and many other past practices be left behind.” Said Hon Ntikoisa

The leader of Irkimayiana Ntikoisa ole Kimani said the prayers was important to unite all the youth of the area.

“This event united all the youth of this constituency together and we want to take this county far in education, respect and protect the land of our area. We want to make history. I urge the youth of this county to work hard and follow the footsteps of our leaders and they will prosper.” Said Ntikoisa

Ewaso secondary school has a lot of problem of water but the county government has promised to work on it.

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31 Aug
By: CGK 0



H. E The Governor addressing the women in isinya town.

The Governor of Kajiado County D.r David Nkedianyehas assured the Maasai women that Isinya town will be alcohol free like Kijabe after a meeting at multi-purpose training school in Isinya.

The women needed a response of the issues that they table in the previous meeting to be address by the county government on the fight against poisonous brews in the area.

They had several issues that they wanted to be addressed like the several factories all over the area, green houses, the location of the market and sewerage system and many other issues.

They also question why the OCS who directed the police officers to beat them during the fight on poisonous brews was transferred to the nearby town Kitengela and the officers transferred nearby too.

The hundreds of Maasai women dressed in Maasai shukas and armed with rungus and sticks also had tough word for NEMA officials whom they say are the cause of all the factories.

They added that their stand still remain they don’t want any alcohol in Isinya town whether licensed or unlicensed poisonous brews.

The governor Dr. David Nkedianye told the women that the county does not depend on alcohol taxes and will make Isinya town just like Kijabe which is alcoholic free.

“We want Isinya to be alcohol free like Kijabe and this county doesn’t depend on taxes from alcohol, we will not renew licenses for all clubs and bars. The life of the people is more important than money and if we are to close them we will do It.” said Dr.Nkedianye.

The governor also had tough words for NEMA.

“You have a lot of problems and people are blaming us. How do you issue licenses for factories to be built everywhere and you don’t even allow public participation? You must control this factories.” Said the governor.

The Member of Parliament for Kajiado East Peris Tobiko added that the security officers must go away.

“I will look for the interior cabinet secretary Joseph Nkaiserry and all those officers that were involved in harassing women will be transferred. We have already sign a petition and changes must come.” Said Peris.

Also present in the meeting were Deputy Governor Paul Ntiaki, lands CECM’s Ali Letura, Richard Parsitau, Gladys Marima and other county officials.


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26 Aug
By: CGK 0


The deputy governor hon paul ntiati, CECM Gladys marima and AMREF OFFICIALS AT KAJIADO TOWN DURING THE OFFICIAL LAUNCH OF Obstritric fistula camp

The deputy governor hon paul ntiati, CECM Gladys marima and AMREF officials at Kajiado town during the the official launch of Obstetric fistula camp

Kajiado County Government in partnership with AMREF Health Africa and Bayer East Africa will conduct a seven – day surgical mission from the 21 – 28 August in Kajiado referral hospital for women with obstetric fistula with the aim to restore women dignity.

Fistula is a disease that occurs as a complication of obstructed labour whereby a hole (fistula) develops between the rectum or bladder and the vagina. In most cases the baby is still unborn and the women faces long disorders like severe infections and nerve damage in the legs.

The cause of fistula is the absence of skilled care to manage obstructed is also caused by delays when a mother is transferred to a health centre in remote areas where the infrastructure is poor.

Speaking during the launch the deputy governor honorable Paul Ntiaki said women have suffered a lot.

“Many women have suffered a lot and isolate themselves because they have fistula but thanks to AMREF our women will now get treatment and see themselves as member of the community. We want Kajiado County to be fistula free.” Said hon. Ntiaki

AMREF CEO D.r Githinji Gitahi said many women feel excluded.

“Millions of girls and young women in resource poor counties are ashamed and isolated often abandoned by their husbands and excluded by their families and community. They often live in poverty, shunned and blamed by the society. We want to help our women feel comfortable and with the support of the county government the patient will get quality fistula repair services.” Said D.r Gitahi

Also present were first lady Josephine Nkedienye, health CECM Gladys Marima, Hon. Jebii Kilimo CEO Kenya anti FGM mission and other county officials.

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26 Aug
By: CGK 0


 The Governor explains the bicons location to both group ranches at cultural resort in kajiado town.

The Governor explains the bicons location to both group ranches at cultural resort in kajiado town.

The Governor of Kajiado County D.r David Nkedienye has  solved a dispute between Osilalei and Eselenkei group ranches over a 720 acres of land boundary by dividing the area in equal half following  a  meeting at Kajiado cultural resort.

The Governor brought together the two group ranches members with the Kajiado peacemakers led by the chairman Ezekiel ole Seki and the county government officials to solve the dispute land that has been there for over 30 years with each group claiming ownership of the land citing their declarations with Osilalei (1970) and Eselenkei (1977).

Dr. Nkedienye presented the map and showed all the bicons and explained the boundary location to all the members. He said the issue must be solved for once and should not arise in the near future.

“We want to solve this issue for once because we don’t want our people to fight over land. We went to the ground and heard from both parties and went through their claims with the county surveyors and we have decided to follow the 2005 sitting since both ranches had different declaration.” Said Nkedienye.

The Governor added that peace is the most paramount in Kajiado County.

“There is a lot of tension between the two parties but we don’t want that because Kajiado is a peaceful county.” Said Dr. Nkedienye

The Governor will now attend a congregation meeting with wananchi of both sides at Eselenkei stalls on the 8th of September before the tractors can mark the boundary.

Hon Masaa Matapato North MCA said as a member of Osilalei group ranch they are satisfied with the ruling.

“We as Osilalei group ranch are satisfied with the decision made by the governor and we hope it will be the last time we are discussing this matter again.” Said Masaa

On his part Eselenkei representative hon Sayianka ole Seki said it was the best decision for all parties.

“We are happy with the ruling since this is the first time we are getting the right answer thanks to our governor and we tell our people this is what we will follow and there will never dispute it again in the area.” Said Sayianka

All parties were required to respect the verdict because it was the only solution and continue living as brothers and sisters.



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13 Aug
By: CGK 0


kajiado youths match towars MTTI yesterday

kajiado youths match towards M.T.T.I yesterday

The governor of Kajiado County Dr. David Nkedienye has pleaded the youth of Kajiado County to help his government improve education for the young pupils in primary and secondary schools in the rural areas of the county in order to increase academic performance of the county.
Most of the school in the rural parts of the county are performing poorly because the kids lack mentorship and motivation from the elder literate people in the society.
Speaking yesterday during the international youth day at Maasai technical training institute (M.T.T.I), the governor asked the youth of Kajiado County who are in colleges and universities and any other institution to help in the upbringing of the young generation because they are the future of this county.
“ All of you who are in the universities and colleges and any other institution need to give back to the community by advising your little brothers and sisters at the lower level on the importance of good performance because we want the whole community to improve and that can only happen through good academic performance” said the governor
The governor also added that the county support the effort of the youth and most of his workers are young people
“As a government we are trying on the employment of the youth as you know the former chairman of Kajiado youth alliance Tipape Naini is now in the county heading a top job and many others that shows I trust you people to do a good job “added the governor
The chairman of Kajiado youth alliance Jeremiah Malano praised the county government effort and support for the youth but insisted that there is still need for improvement
“The county government has really tried to help us get some tender allocations though may not be the 30 percent but at least they have tried” said Malano.
In terms of employment, the chairman added that the county need to improve on that
“The county has tried to employ some of us but as we know we can’t get employed all of us but we need to be empowered to do our own business.” Said Malano
The county government officials present are James Sankale, chief officer education, sports, culture and social services, MCAs .engineer Nkadayo was also present.
Among the other things discussed are internships, bursaries and scholarships, lands reforms and may others.

governor is welcomed to the youth day by the CO james sankale

The Governor is welcomed to the youth day by the youths  Chief Officer Mr. James Sankale

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13 Aug
By: CGK 0


One of the groups receives a dairy goat  during the presentation by ADEO.

One of the groups receives a dairy goat during the presentation by ADEO.

The County Government in collaboration with the Africa Development and emergency Organization(ADEO)through The’ Mother and Child Initiative has donated 32 dairy Goats to four Women Groups in Poke Village, Poka Location in Kajiado East Sub County.
Addressing hundreds of Poke residents yesterday , Africa Development and Emergency Program Manager Dr Atei Kerochi said that the initiative began in the year 2014 of which they first donated a total of 45 Goats in some parts of Kajiado central among them. Isajiloni, Piliwa, Esukuta, Majengo, Eluanata and Orkiloriti. He added that the main reason behind this initiative is to help those nursing mothers in the remote areas ‘’This program began last year and our main objective is to help our nursing mothers in the Villages to get milk for nutrition during such critical situations like this whereby during the dry season threir’s no milk at all. Now my word to them is that as you take this dairy Goats, please take care of them and make use of them. Again I would urge our nursing mothers to breast their babies at least for six months and even though it is not easy but it is a must in order to have a healthy Child “said Dr Atei.
Meanwhile on the other hand, County Government Livestock Officer Mr. Bernard Karanja said that The’ Mother and Child Initiative said that goat milk is good in nutrition and highly recommended for child consumption and therefore urged the area residents to make use of the animals they were given as well as to take good care of them.”Well as you receive this goats a lot of responsibility relies on you as the farmer, for it to provide enough milk, it will depend on you. am saying this because very soon some years to come, they will multiply and in numbers and am sure you will enjoy their products “He said.
About health farming among pastoralist, County Government Mother and Child Initiative Patron who is also the head of Community Health Services and Health promotion unit in the County Government, Mrs Anne Thitu ,said that The reason why The Ministry of Health, that of Agriculture as well as The Africa Development Emergency has partnered is to inform the Community on how to provide healthy farming and ensuring that the community members gain knowledge of good health skills.”We are here for the betterment of our Community, This shows that health is done comprehensively. So far we have visited this village severally and our objective is to ensure that our outreach target is achieved which is eradicating poverty. About The Mother and Child Initiative, it was officiated by His Excellency The Governor and his objective was to provide better ways of helping our nursing mother to be able to breast feed their babies. “Said Anne Thitu.

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07 Aug
By: CGK 0


The governor also brought revision books for standard 7 and 8 pupils

The Governor handing over  revision books for standard 7 and 8 pupils to Kilonito primary school Headmaster.

“Kilonito primary school must improve in performance “. These were the words from the governor of Kajiado County His Excellency Dr. David Nkedienye to the parents, teachers and pupils of kilonito primary school in loodokilani ward.
The school which a few years back appeared in the country newspapers as one of the three worst performing schools in the country has not been performing well for several years now and the governor has now come to its rescue.
Speaking during the education day in the school, the governor argued all the concern people to come together with the support of his government to help the school.
“This is not a time to blame anybody, let come together and help our children because we cannot accept a whole generation to be destroyed this way. This area need doctors, teachers, lawyers and we must produce ours because nobody will accept to come to a place where people are not serious, and let’s produce our own first.” Said the governor
Several issues were discussed that led to poor performance in the school, which last year had a mean score of 165.81, parents are criticized for neglecting the school and their is no good working relationship with them and the teachers. Parents were also warn against early marriages for their kids.
The governor added that the head teachers should be given a chance to run the management of the school.
“The head teacher is the one to run the school and I give him full responsibility in this school, he will hire PA teachers of his choice but those who are qualified and improve performance in this school while you parents give him your support.” Said the governor
The head teacher Mr. Daniel Seet promise to do his best.
“Governor we will improve the performance of this school and with the full support of the parents and your government, kilonito will rise up.” Said Mr. Seet
The governor also brought revision books for standard 7 and 8 pupils and promised to return in a month time to access the school until he sees some improvement. He was accompanied by the county executive member for public service Jeremiah Nairowoua and other county officials.

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07 Aug
By: CGK 0



H.E The Governor adressing the women during the crackdown of illicit brews in Isinya.

H.E The Governor addressing the women during the crackdown of illicit brews in Isinya.

Kajiado County Governor His Excellency Dr. David Nkedianye yesterday declared a crackdown of all illicit brews in Isinya and the entire Kajiado County by closing all the illegal liquor outlets following the immense effort from the Maasai women of Kaputei North ward.
Addressing hundreds of women from Kaputei and Keekonyokie areas respectively whom have been clearing out all illegal bars outlets as well others immoral issues which includes entertainment zones, the selling of Miraa, bhang within Isinya town and the entire County. Governor Nkedianye promised to do away with all alcohol dens in the county.
“I fully support the effort of this women who have come to save our people. All the bars as well all the public entertainment zones, including pools, video sites will be shut down. For the bars that had licenses will be screened a fresh before given permission to make sure they actually deserve to trade in that. Those that had no licenses will not be given any and they should go away. This county should not be a drinking den.” Said the Governor.
Isinya has 70 bars and only 13 are legal to operate and this has led to increase of alcohol consumption in the area.
Women representative Mary senator also supported the ideas and added that the police officers who harassed the women must be punished.
“This was an order from the president and we are not happy with the security officers who threw teargas to the women. Those police officers must be punished.” Said Mary senator
She also added that wananchi should engage in other business rather than sell alcohol.
“It is not a must for you to sell a bar or club. We don’t want a county were bars are more than other business premises. Places like Meto don’t sell alcohol yet they are still developing. “She said.
Leaders present in the meeting were Peris Tobiko, MP for Kajiado east, CECM’S Ali Letura (Lands) Richard Parsitau (Education)among other county officials.

Maasai Women Across Kajiado East Constituency yesterday evening Marching towards Isinya Town after attending a crucial meeting which took place at Multi Purpose (Isinya).

Maasai Women Across Kajiado East Constituency yesterday evening Marching towards Isinya Town after attending a crucial meeting which took place at Multi Purpose (Isinya).

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03 Aug
By: CGK 0


KWS Deputy Director south Rift Region, Julius Cheptei

Kajiado Governor Dr David Nkedianye and kajiado East MP Peris Tobiko with KWS Deputy Director south Rift Region Julius Cheptei looking at the area map where KWS has been accused of reviewing boundaries without anyone consent.

A human wildlife conflict has ensued at Kajiado near kyulu Game Park prompting a standoff between locals and KWS officers.
The tug of war is wildlife roaming and destroying crops and properties in Masaai community private lands whereas the KWS officers harass locals who graze at the park during this dry season.
In a stormy meeting held at Kyulu between the community, local leaders and KWS representatives, Locals claim their search for pasture in the Kyulu hills national park has been met with vigorous resistances by KWS officers.
They claim locals are battered, arrested for trespass and prosecuted. Incidents of rape cases by the officers has been reported upon bribery incidents for locals to graze in the park.
Locals say they have cohabited with wild animals for long despite untold pain caused to them including deaths.
They say they have been treated inhumanly pushing them to the wall to a point of cutting short the unique cohabitation.
”we have suffered and treated as second rate citizens by KWS officers and we can’t tolerate any more” said Mary Marikua
Natives also claim KWS has kept on reviewing boundaries without their consent currently placing the park at Makueni contrary to original map where the park falls squarely at Kajiado County.
Location of Kyulu hills park location is another thorny issue with Masaai community claiming their boundary with neighboring Makueni County is the railway line.
Kajiado leaders condemned the incidents urging KWS to treat Masaai community as equal partners in protecting wildlife. Leaders urged KWS to extend an olive branch to locals in this dry season to graze in the park.
Kajiado east MP Peris Tobiko condemned the battering incidents.
‘‘No way Maasai women shall accept their men to be battered by officers. It shall get to a point for them to reiterate and fight for the community.
Tobiko also urged KWS officers to respect the community.
Fire breathing Kajiado women MP Mary Seneta said the humiliation to locals shall not be without punishment.
‘‘Some of the KWS officers have been reported to have raped women. We can’t allow this uncouth behavior by errant officers. They must be brought to books”said Mary Seneta
They push for errant officers to be held responsible and punished as well as speedy compensation for families affected by wildlife.
KWS Deputy Director south Rift Region, Julius Cheptei apologized on behalf of errant officers saying it won’t tolerate promising issues raised to be addressed.
Kajiado Governor Dr. David Nkedianye says the Masaai community has been neglected and oppressed by KWS officers despite living with wildlife for so long.
‘‘Wildlife roams freely in our lands destroying properties whereas KWS officers have reduced themselves to battering women. Enough is enough and we demand for compensation for affected families” said Nkedianye
Nkedianye says most KWS officers are sleeping on their jobs
Early this year marauding jumbo killed a middle aged man upon destroying crops and properties worth millions.
The meeting took place three days after a pride of lions attacked and killed 50 goats at Kitengela reserve bordering Nairobi National park.

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03 Aug
By: CGK 0


Kajiado county’s  first lady  Mrs. Josephine Nkedienye yesterday launch the beyond zero mobile clinic at Kisapuk primary school, Inkiito Meto  location of  Kajiado central sub-county.

Kajiado county’s first lady Mrs. Josephine Nkedienye an CECM Health Gladys Marima when launching the beyond zero mobile clinic at Kisapuk primary school, Inkiito Meto location of Kajiado central sub-county.

Kajiado county’s first lady Mrs. Josephine Nkedienye yesterday launch the beyond zero mobile clinic at Kisapuk primary school, Inkiito Meto location of Kajiado central sub-county.
Kisapuk which is in Kumba location is among the two sub location with Kumba being the other one. The area has only two health facilities and only Kumba Health Centre which is functional with the other, Leboo health centre still not yet in use after its completion.
Speaking in accompany of the County Executive Member for health Honorable Glady Marima and other health officials, during the official launch of the clinic, the first lady argued the residents to come out in large numbers when there is need for treatment.
“This is a moving hospital and whenever it comes to your area come out in large numbers and get treatment. The reason for this mobile vehicle is to help mothers and their children get treatment “said Mrs. Nkedienye.
The CECM incharge of health Gladys Marima added that it’s important for parents to take their children to school in order to raise many doctors
“We will not get doctors if we don’t take your kids to school. We have gone to hospital where a doctor has to hire a translator, what if we had our own son who is a doctor? It would be very easy to get treatment” Hon. Marima urged the residents
The minister with other medical officials later visited Meto health centre where they inspected the hospital after complains from the residents that it is not offering the right medical services.

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